I wouldn't want to be too lean.

Everything changed after 'Lean On.'

Every team goes through a lean patch.

I've focused on being as lean as I can.

Laws, like houses, lean on one another.

I make sure to eat lots of lean protein.

I eat plants. I eat lean meat. I work out.

Lyrically, I personally lean towards venting.

I'm naturally lean and I'm constantly walking.

We eat a lot of lean meat and fresh vegetables.

I want to get lean and mean, keep it minimalist.

There were so many lean years. A lot of lean years.

I have a tendency to lean towards a more retro look.

Lean just follows his heart wherever it wants to go.

Folks are like plants; we all lean toward the light.

I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay.

They lard their lean books with the fat of others work.

You need to look lean. Luckily, I am not on heavier side.

I'm an independent, but I got to admit I lean Democratic.

The envious man grows lean at the success of his neighbor.

Keep your blood clean, your body lean, and your mind sharp.

Animals in the wild are lean, and I think we should be too.

I love making healthy lean foods delicious - that's an art!

Not bipolar, but I lean towards manicness and then lowness.

My tastes lean toward the more negative, angry and eclectic.

All managers have someone they lean on and take advice from.

I was always a mean and lean athlete - not tall - not large.

I used to think that in order to be lean, I had to under-eat.

I'm a big pasta guy, but I've cut it out to stay fast and lean.

I lean traditional, but 'Head Over Boots,' it's pretty country.

To look long and lean, wear a wide-leg trouser with high heels.

I want to make sure I have something I can lean on after football.

I lean into fear because I feel like that excites me as an artist.

I like to be lean and flexible. I'm not interested in gaining size.

In Spanish, for whatever reason, I lean more toward the high notes.

My voice is obviously real southern - I automatically lean country.

In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself.

We shouldn't be too critical of players if they do have lean patches.

Having had a reputation for being sexy is a great prop to lean on now.

You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over too far backward.

Anyone can make an article longer; the skill is keeping it tight and lean.

Donald Westlake's lean prose and deadpan delivery are engaging, as always.

I eat a lot of Greek yogurt with honey, a lot of lean protein, vegetables.

A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnessary.

TV's job is to make you lean in, and a film's job is to make you lean back.

We lean on each other when we are going through hard days. We are a family.

I generally write a first draft that's pretty lean. Just get the story down.

You must learn from your past mistakes, but not lean on your past successes.

I learned that you lean into your family, ask for help, and show compassion.

I should be European, man. I'm long and lean. I'd look good in a trench coat.

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