If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.

If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.

If Life hands you a lemon, throw it at someone

When did the lemons learn the same creed as the sun?

Summer for prose and lemons, for nakedness and languor.

Lemons clean everything. It's the greatest disinfectant.

I want to make lemonade out of the lemons that were dealt to me.

When life hands me lemons I hand them back and pick something else.

This is kind of weird, but I eat lemons with salt as snack. They're so good!

My juicer is not meant to squeeze lemons; it is meant to start conversations.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. I have several stands around here.

When life hands you lemons say, "Lemons? What else have you got?" - bumper sticker

There is no such thing as reconstituted lemon juice, only reconstituted taste buds.

It is probable that the lemon is the most valuable of all fruit for preserving health.

I pressed down the mental accelerator. The old lemon throbbed fiercely. I got an idea.

I have two choices: Sit at home and feel sorry for myself, or make lemonade out of lemons.

Being a singer now I have to get all fussy... I must have my ginger and lemon and all that.

When life hands you lemons - SQUAT! Squats make everything better. And if squats don't, bacon will

You have to turn the lemons life gives you into lemonade, and you have to take time to sit back and enjoy it.

You really can't take a cat and turn it into a dog, or try and get lemons off an apple tree, or what have you.

If life gives you lemons, don't settle for simply making lemonade - make a glorious scene at a lemonade stand.

Lemonade is not just made of lemons. It's barely lemons! It's mostly water and sugar! Life didn't give us that.

I'm weird about fruity desserts like lemony, acidic, zesty... I don't like lemon things and orange things, really.

In all my work, I try to say - 'You may be given a load of sour lemons, why not try to make a dozen lemon meringue pies?'

Any waste stream in our society can be turned into a revenue stream. It's turning the lemons in our society into lemonade.

We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.

Another way I like to barbecue king salmon is as a whole fish stuffed, literally to the gills, with sweet onions, sliced lemons, and summer sage.

I am part of a circuit called 24 Hours of LeMons, where it's a sort of riff on 24 Hours of Le Mans. It's a poor man's weekend warrior racer event.

I was at the grocery store just buying lemons, and a person turns to me and says, 'Hey, you're the kid in the horror movie, right? Can I get a picture?' It was really random.

The consequence was, that the most sudden and visible good effects were perceived from the use of oranges and lemons; one of those who had taken them, being at the end of 6 days fit for duty.

My love of baking might have originated with my grandmother. She had a lemon tree growing in her backyard, and one of my favorite memories is of picking lemons together and then baking lemon bars.

The lesson is, because there will be many lemons in life, to learn to make the proverbial lemonade - and be open and honest. That's the best way of doing damage control and positioning yourself for success.

I love fresh citrus and always keep lemons, limes, and oranges on hand; they come in handy for spritzing up quickly grilled meats, seafoods, and vegetables, especially when followed up by a quick drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

I've always wanted to entertain people, and when I was in school, I was interested in creative writing, but wrestling was always there. When I ran into financial problems, I just figured when life gives you lemons, you have to make lemonade.

Bringing my two children up while writing was just a part of life. I'd much rather have had their interruptions than been stuck in a sterile office. This way, I had welcome distractions. I had to load the washing machine, I had to go out and buy lemons.

Diseases happen in acidic environments, so it's very important to keep your body alkaline. Keeping a diet high in leafy greens, spring water, fresh air, raw almonds, lemons, grapefruits, and warm water with juice from half a lemon helps lower acidity levels.

My favorite way to cook trout is whole, bone-in, on the grill. The fish are stuffed with sliced lemons and herb sprigs, brushed with oil, and cooked over fairly hot coals until the skin is crisp and the flesh is moist and flaky. Go ahead and gild the lily by adding a sauce.

I think life gives you lemons, and the thing that I'm working on doing is not watering it down, not putting sugar in it. Just drink it straight. The more you can take life head on... it's gonna make you a better person, and then you have nothing left to be afraid of. And what an awesome way to live.

I have an avocado tree at my place in Los Angeles - it's the smoother-skinned one, which tends to be a little stringy. Often the birds or raccoons get the avocados before I can harvest them. I have figs, too, which are great with prosciutto, of course. I have limes and lemons, which I use to make lemonade.

The particular way I'm going to die is not going to be particularly pleasant. It will probably be physically uncomfortable, and it won't be an easy thing for my wife and kids to watch. I think it will be a real challenge to see if I can squeeze the lemons hard enough to still get lemonade the last few weeks.

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