I am a wanderer passionately in love with life.

I am completely happy with my life. I love everything about it.

I love the life I live. The Lord blessed me to be independent. I am independent.

I wish I could say I am a rebel for love in real life. I don't think I am so cool.

I am very public about my love for the people in my life, whether they are girls or boys.

I am not revolutionary or experimental, but I am curious and love to explore and indulge in life.

I love who I am and I love my life, but if I could be someone else, I'd be Beyonce in two seconds.

I love playing these characters that are crazy tough, though. Because I am not in real life. Not at all.

About my love life, I would like to say I am single till I have a ring on the right finger and a wedding date.

I love it when I get to play characters that are much younger than I am in real life. I feel it's an advantage.

I'm doing what I love to do. Martial arts is my everything. It's my life, my philosophy, how I think, who I am.

I never fit in. I am a true alternative. And I love being the outcast. That's my role in life, to be an outcast.

There are many sides of the urban life that I dislike, but there are many sides I am deeply in love with and attached to.

Life has been kind to me. I am happy with the love and appreciation that I have been getting throughout my career. I feel blessed.

I'm not scared of it... I feel that I am a cat lady, I'm a little bit crazy because I love them so much and I dedicate my life to them.

I am very impulsive when it comes to experimenting with my looks and love playing with ideas by involving people from all walks of life.

If people liked me as Sadhna from Bidaai' they will like me as Sara Khan also. They will love me the way I am as a human being in real life.

I am certainly not a martyr kind of a person. I love my life. But if one has to, then there is nothing more nobler a cause that I can think of.

I don't want to be any more interesting than I am. I love the life that I get to live, which is one of real independence and privacy and autonomy.

I am so grateful for my children who remind me every day what matters in life, and I feel fortunate to be their mommy and share their special love.

I love the Bible. I read it every day. I spend 10 hours a week studying it. It has affected my life in profound ways. I am inspired when I read it.

I am very busy, life is very busy, and I was, I think, a somewhat lazy friend. I love them, I know they love me, but I didn't make much of an effort.

But I also enjoy life... the more scrutiny I am under, the more confident I become. I am who I am. I can't do anything about it, and I love who I am.

See, all actors pretend. I enjoy that pretence. I don't wear heels in real life, but if it is for a character, I love to get into the traits of the person I am playing.

Wherever I am, I will embrace the life and the lifestyle. I've lived in Hollywood before, and we've moved into the old neighbourhood in West Hollywood. I love California.

When you have love in your life and respect what you do, you get up and do things. Yes, definitely I do feel tired, but when I look around and see how privileged I am, I get going.

I love life. I love my friends. I love to eat. Too many things, I love. I am very much an anti-historical character. I am attracted to happy people. Happy people with very grave problems.

It is not that I am only looking at doing biopics. But of course, as an actor, I always love portraying real-life characters because there is so much challenge involved in recreating somebody's life.

I am proud of my husband, Marcus, the love of my life, and his Swiss heritage. Even though I have been a dual citizen since I was married in 1978, I have never exercised any rights of that citizenship.

I love life. I wish I could live another 500 years, truly. There is so much to do. I don't feel bitter or angry or disappointed. If anything, I am very grateful for where I come from. I have absolutely no regrets.

I am someone who actually jumps headlong into everything and anything. I am not one of those people who likes to be scared; instead I have a tendency to be very, very open to everything. I really live; I love life.

I would love for my phone to scream if I am about to miss an important thing in my life and never bother me if I'm doing something very important and the information coming in is less important than what I'm doing.

What's blessed about my life is that I have been able to connect with the global audience on a regular basis. I am thankful for everybody's love, and I reciprocate that, but I also have to deliver on every occasion.

I have not changed; I am still the same girl I was fifty years ago and the same young woman I was in the seventies. I still lust for life, I am still ferociously independent, I still crave justice, and I fall madly in love easily.

I am an ambassador for a nonprofit organization and I love being able to help people crush their barriers. I recently wrote a book. I want to do more with my life and help people do more with their lives, whatever that looks like.

When I'm not working, I love going to the beach. I am from Florida, so I definitely love the beach life. I love horse-back riding. Just to go out to a barn, it's fun. It's kind of like a get-away from the city. And also, I love animals.

I am very fortunate to be doing something I completely love, so it is certainly not hard to get motivated. Watching people sing along and put their hands in the air is a very powerful thing. I'm 63, but I don't feel it. I feel like I'm in my 40s. I enjoy life.

I am endlessly inspired by both the tenderness that can exist between two people and the excitement of falling in love. I'm very fortunate that I've been able to explore that in novels, a television show, some early development film projects, and essays about my own life.

I am more interested in how people interpret the phrase 'Elect The Dead' than what I may or may not have intended. I named the album after the track, which is a spiritual song about love, life and death and is the heaviest song on the album without having any heavy instruments.

I am a micromanager, and I love being involved in every detail of my life, but in the big picture, you realize how little control you have. 'Air I Breathe' is about those moments of surrender where you get to something that is bigger than you, and you don't have answers for it.

It is really rare to find someone you really, really love and that you want to spend your life with and all that stuff that goes along with being married. I am one of those lucky people. And I think she feels that way too. So the romantic stuff is easy because you want them to be happy.

I used to be cagey about my love life. I was cagey for four years. Az and I only decided to come out because we were pregnant. Otherwise, we would have kept it quiet. It really was a case of staying private. I am not one of those people who frivolously throws their private life out there.

I am a close friend of Robert Loggia. And I just love how, with actors, there's the screen persona. Here is Robert, known for his portrayal of many characters, including gangsters. But in real life, he is elegant and erudite. He sits in the garden reading the sonnets of William Shakespeare.

Anybody who knows me knows that I don't just love this sport, I am in love with it. I am really in love with this sport. I am obsessed with boxing. I eat, breathe and sleep it. You know, I do it all; this is my life. This is not a hobby for me. This is a lifestyle for me, and I address it accordingly. I take it very, very seriously.

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