I live my life on the mat.

I really live my life openly.

I live my life to the maximum.

I live my life by certain standards.

I want to live my life, not record it.

I try and live my life simply and purely.

Acting is my life. It's what I live and breathe.

Queerness is the lens that I live my life through.

I really like to live my life in a low-key fashion.

I don't have to prove my life. I just have to live.

I used to just live my life by going with the flow.

It's a relaxed intensity I've got to live my life in.

I still live in the same place I've lived all my life.

If I had to live my life over, I'd live over a saloon.

I think I have a right to live my life the way I like.

I want to live all aspects of my life, not just acting.

I can't live my life according to anyone else's schedule.

I don't live in books, but, boy, have books amplified my life.

I have always tried to live my life with enthusiasm and pleasure.

I want to live my life so that my nights are not full of regrets.

All I want is to live a peaceful life, to regain my life and be happy.

I can't live my life worrying about something that might never happen.

I live my life like an open book, even though it's open on the wrong page.

I live my life on self-belief and I live it partly on going with the flow.

I may be revered or defamed and decried; But I tried to live my life right.

I don't do things for the response or for the controversy. I just live my life.

I want to live my life naked, with all my little naked kids naked in the garden.

I'm not a super nervous guy in general. I don't live a ton of my life in my head.

I don't do anything just for the sake of it. I don't live my life for the sake of it.

I live my life like everyone else; everyone has their own obstacles. Mine is deafness.

I really try to live my life a little more, in ways I would hold back from previously.

You don't really need much. I try to live my life with that sort of minimalist mentality.

I've always been a straight shooter and an open book. It's how I've chosen to live my life.

I wrote a book on life coaching, because my life became my own reference point how to live.

I always go back to Italy for holidays because I live half my life on the island of Sardinia.

I live my life in a sea of clothes. And it's fantastic to be able to use them and play with them.

I try to live honestly in every aspect of my life, which can make things a bit more complicated, right?

I've been blessed to live my dream more than half my life, so I want help give that back to someone else.

If I had my life to live over, I would perhaps have more actual troubles but I'd have fewer imaginary ones.

One should always be happy, irrespective of what you achieve in a match or in life. That's how I live my life.

Cincinnati beats you up for three days, and all of a sudden it's doom and gloom. I cannot live my life that way.

I would live all my life in nonchalance and insouciance, Were it not for making a living, which is rather a nouciance.

I'm not the sort of person who wants to live my life doing just one thing. I like to go around and do as many things as possible.

If I only had 12 years left to live, I'd want to live it as a member of Congress because that was the 12 longest years of my life.

I don't live in the spotlight, and I don't live my life in front of the paparazzi. I live very comfortably and quietly as possible.

I flip the turntables. I write a lot from the male perspective, but as a female. That's how I live my life. I can roll with the boys.

I live my life very Amish-like. Other than video games, I don't think I have a reason for electronics. It's a life that I've always loved.

I'm one of the lucky actors in television. I don't make a lot of big waves, but there's constant activity, and that's the way I prefer to live my life.

My life was made easy - I lived in a village, and by writing for some newspapers and magazines, had enough to live on. I was happy to be there and write.

If you live in a crowded area of Brooklyn or Manhattan, having a car is a hindrance. It doesn't even make sense. I basically grew up all my life without a car.

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