I drank my liver out.

I love the liver kick.

Life loves the liver of it.

Licorice is the liver of candy.

I had to have a complete liver transplant.

I love liver and onions or a roast dinner.

Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver.

I only weigh 98 pounds. The rest of this is liver.

I will respect this liver. After all, it's not mine.

I loathe my body. The liver spots, the sagging flesh.

I certainly don't eat raw bison liver on a regular basis.

Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves.

I have expanded my mind and destroyed my liver but I didn't give up.

Life loves the liver of it. You must live and life will be good to you.

I have a liver disease where my autoimmune system is fighting against itself.

Liver is my number one most hated food. Oh, God, I get sick talking about it!

A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age; he dies of being a man.

What, like I want to look like Dick Clark? No. I think I look great with liver spots.

I take goldenseal, Echinacea and cod liver oil when flying to boost my immune system.

The fact that your liver can regenerate itself is incredible - it's a medical miracle.

My dad is not an alcoholic but has a chronic liver disorder along with heavy diabetes.

Love doesn't reside in the heart, anyway. Love resides in the liver along with jaundice.

There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. As well speak of a female liver.

E-cigarettes will raise your risk for lung cancer but also other cancers, like liver cancer.

I broke my right ankle. Four ribs. One rib went into my liver. My spleen. My back in two places.

I had a real bad attitude after my dad passed of liver cancer. I was 9, and we were really close.

All right, let's not panic. I'll make the money by selling one of my livers. I can get by with one.

If you're a thinking person, the liver is interesting, but nothing is more intriguing than the brain.

I recently have had a full hip replacement and a liver transplant, and I'm getting used to the medication.

I had to have a complete liver transplant. I waited with a beeper for a year and 10 months to get that gift.

After returning from Cambridge in 1936, I did some work with J. M. Mioz on the oxidation of fatty acids in liver.

I work very hard, and I play very hard. I'm grateful for life. And I live it - I believe life loves the liver of it. I live it.

If we practiced medicine like we practice education, we'd look for the liver on the right side and left side in alternate years.

A face isn't an organ, like a liver or a heart. A face is muscles, nerves, bones, and skin. A face is more like a hand or a foot.

A bad liver is to a Frenchman what a nervous breakdown is to an American. Everyone has had one and everyone wants to talk about it.

It would be nice to finish Khabib via liver shots, wouldn't it? I just want to see him wincing in pain on the ground where he belongs.

Lord, confound this surly sister, blight her brow with blotch and blister, cramp her larynx, lung and liver, in her guts a galling give her.

My life has been long, and believing that life loves the liver of it, I have dared to try many things, sometimes trembling, but daring still.

Since I got my new liver, some of my tastes have changed. There are certain things I don't like anymore. I loved Indian food before but not now.

Cruise director is - I always laugh and say, 'He's the ship's liver,' because almost everything you can think of filters through you at some point.

Building a solid organ like the liver in the lab is different and harder than with an organ like the bladder because solid organs are very vascular.

I try to refrain from the alarmist statement, really I do. It's bad for the liver and worries the dog, who has plenty enough to worry about as it is.

Liver, lungs, heads, tails, kidneys, testicles, all of these things which are traditional, delicious and nutritious parts of our gastronomy go to waste.

I sleep with castor oil and clingfilm wrapped around my stomach. It's amazingly slimming because it detoxes your system. I also regularly cleanse my liver.

I'm a clean liver; I'm no thief. Kids go through phases of nicking stuff. I've nicked stuff - most people have - but I haven't nicked anything of significance.

I saw why people died and how they died. I saw gunshot wounds and liver failure. It was a good learning experience, so I came regularly on weekends and holidays.

We all know that small cars are good for us. But so is cod liver oil. And jogging. I want to drive around in a Terminator, not the heroine in an E. M. Forster novel.

I love the smell of frying liver. It kind of releases a sweetness into the air, and it kind of prickles your nose, and it kind of makes you awake... it gets me excited.

I had a liver transplant, then I had a pacemaker put in, then I had a new knee put it, then I had a heart valve put in. I'm almost brand new. I have a lot of new parts.

Berries are the healthiest fruit, offering potential protection against cancer and heart disease, boosting the immune system and acting as a guard for the liver and brain.

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