In a long journey straw waighs.

Life is like unto a long journey with a heavy burden.

I view every film as a commitment to undertake a long journey.

I like to reactivate my body after a long journey by getting the sun in my eyes.

I'm not sure if I'll become Dr. Du Toit. I'm at the early stages of a long journey.

I'm 30, and I've been touring since I was 15. So it's been a long journey to get here.

It was a long journey, but it was also a relief to see that first plastic being caught.

My dream was to study psychology in Israel. It's a long journey - it's seven years of study.

It's been a long journey. Continued to work through my rookie year. I was hurt a lot. Up and down.

If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.

It's a long journey. There will be good times, and there will be bad times, but SoftBank is always there.

The journey for women, no matter what venue it is - politics, business, film - it's, it's a long journey.

It has been a long journey, but if you dream and have the ambition and want to work hard, then you can achieve.

I've never conformed to what my record label has said and, yes, that has meant that it's been a long journey for me.

The reason why I like theater is because it's a long journey, and no matter what role you play, we are all in it together.

Let me recommend the best medicine in the world: a long journey, at a mild season, through a pleasant country, in easy stages.

I'm pursuing a degree in mental health counseling. It'll be a long journey, and I still want to do music and other creative projects.

My own hope is that, as a human species, we are on a long journey of evolution toward increasingly more tolerant and nonviolent behavior.

The luxury we have when we do a series is that we go through a long journey, and it keeps a lot of information and things to be revealed.

It's definitely been a long, long... long, long, long, long, long journey since I was selling burnt CD's out of my backpack in downtown Oakland.

I am overwhelmed and I am glad I can make my parents proud by becoming a Canadian citizen. It has been a long journey becoming a Canadian citizen.

It had been a long journey for me just to get drafted. I had to work very hard as a collegiate player just to get recognized, being at a small school.

The long journey I've taken from where I started, and to end up at the Governors Awards as a governor - it was an emotional and powerful moment for me.

Rohinton Mistry's celebrated novel 'Such a Long Journey' was pulled off the syllabus of Mumbai University because local extremists objected to its content.

For me, audio books was about when you can't actually physically get hold of a book, like when you're driving. It's a fantastic companion on a long journey.

It's been a very long journey, and people have been immensely kind. They're not tired of watching me on television for a decade; they want to see more of me.

The entire experience of 'Sonali Cable' has been beautiful. It has been a long journey for me, both physically and emotionally and a great learning experience.

Thank you, hard taco shells, for surviving the long journey from factory, to supermarket, to my plate and then breaking the moment I put something inside you. Thank you.

I view every film as a commitment to undertake a long journey. I suppose this has to do with my need to leave no stone unturned, and sometimes to even dig deeper into the mine.

As always on this boulevard, the faces were young, coming annually in an endless migration from every country, every continent, to alight here once in the long journey of their lives.

I like someone who embraces life; who wants to be on a long journey but has no particular plan or destination in mind. An adventurous man, open to the concept of living life in the moment.

My first ever job of doing additional writing for Hans was 'Batman Begins', so that's going back I don't know, are we at 13 years now? I was his assistant for maybe ten years, a long journey.

You have to pace yourself. As a producer, you start with a concept and shepherd it through the script to the delivery of the film. It's a very long journey for an hour and 40 minutes of movie.

I have put absolutely everything into my album. I feel like it's been such a long journey to get here. It is like giving birth to my first child, and I want to make sure I did everything right.

Due to the comparison with our dad and uncle, the expectations were humongous. From that to people saying that my music has my signature has been a long journey. The fight has been worth the while.

I handed out flyers in malls, candies in gasoline stations; helped set up tarpaulins in bars. I played bit roles in several indie movies. Looking back, I can say it has definitely been a long journey.

I think, when I was younger, I'd be crippled sometimes by what others thought or how others would do better. It's been a long journey, and having a lack of confidence is really damaging in this industry.

I wanted to do my part to help preserve that golden age of travel... I step aboard The Patron Tequila Express railcar, and I go back in time to the days when a long journey was something fun and very special.

I try to keep in mind that it's a long journey. It's not a race. It's about staying focused, continuing to do good work, make my family and community proud; that's all I really want to do... and pay my bills.

I really like how the characters always has to go through some type of long journey that's like a crazy struggle. And these anime shows give women power. She's always the queen or somebody that you cannot beat - I love that.

The advantage of trains over planes is that there is much less hassle. You can get up from your seat and stroll about; you're more likely to meet people, and, particularly if you're making a long journey, you can actually see the terrain.

I used to watch MotoGP quite a bit, I liked MotoGP. I had a motorbike before I had a go-kart and before I had a motorbike I had a quad bike but I was too dangerous, and before I did quad biking I did horse riding, so it's been a long journey.

Going to a concert can sometimes be very difficult. It can be a long journey. There's the ticket prices. But when the music goes to the community - not the community coming to the concert - they say, 'Wow! I didn't know that this music was so amazing!'

It is just the start of your professional career and you have to handle it properly and realise that it is not always like that. There will be ups and downs. It is important that you keep humble, keep working hard and see it as the first step on a long journey.

It's important to take time off because it's a long journey this life, and I want to be singing in 30 years' time. You see a lot of artists who get caught up in the here and now, and they just burn themselves out, and I kind of did that myself with my third album.

We've invested in Newark's children, the schools and teachers, and these are long-term bets that need a number of years to really pan out. We've seen and learned how important it is to listen to the community and really get a sense of what they need and want. And it's a long journey.

Becoming a scientist is a long journey, and at every step, I found projects that were exciting, motivating me to continue. My path was not straightforward - when I began studying physics in college, I had no idea I would end up studying asteroids; in fact, I never took an astronomy class.

When you begin a play, you're going to have to spend a lot of time with those characters, so those characters are going to have to be rich enough that you want to take a very long journey with them. That's how I begin thinking about what I want to write about and who I want to write about.

Striving for success is healthy - but believing you need to succeed the first time around may backfire. Mentally strong people believe failure is part of the process toward a long journey to success. By viewing failure as a temporary setback, they're able to bounce back and move forward with ease.

I don't have a real home. When I got 'Avatar,' I sold everything that I owned because I knew it was going to be a long journey. I've got two bags, and that was four years ago, and I've been working ever since, and I've still only got two bags - a bag of books and a bag of clothes. That's about it.

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