I've been doing music for the longest time.

You know, Lisa, for the longest time, did not sing.

My mom wouldn't let me dye my hair for the longest time.

For the longest time, I was uninterested in dealing with EMI Records.

For the longest time, I wanted to become a pianist. That was kinda my thing.

I have been sober for the longest time. Oh, it's over a decade now. No joke.

I loved cinema while growing up and, for the longest time, wanted to be a director.

I was a studious child, heavily into academics. For the longest time, I wouldn't talk.

I made more from sponsorship than I did from fighting. I did that for the longest time.

Working for Oprah is a dream come true. She was on my dream board for the longest time.

I devour books. But for the longest time, I refused to pay attention to genre or labels.

For the longest time, Cena would be, and still is, filibustered by half the WWE universe.

It's funny... musical theater is what paid my rent and kept me going for the longest time.

We're a crazy country about sports, but for the longest time, only followed our own sports.

For the longest time, neuroscientists were forced to be passive observers of brain activity.

I was shying away from acting for the longest time - because of having such big shoes to fill.

For the longest time, I thought I was a boy. I really did. I wore boys' clothes, played tag football.

I was trained to be loud, passionate, direct. I didn't realize for the longest time I was intimidating.

For the longest time, I just felt like I had to be really, really harsh to be taken seriously as a CEO.

For the longest time, I was just real nervous about privacy and people prying into my personal business.

For the longest time in Denmark I didn't want to say what I was politically. I thought it was irrelevant.

For the longest time, you just sound like a broken record, but you have to be consistent when teaching kids.

For the longest time, people would say to me that I didn't feel very modern, that I seemed from another time.

I would love to be a dad. For the longest time, I've wanted kids, but you have to have the right setup, right?

For the longest time, you couldn't even say boys and girls were different. It was taboo in the educational world.

For the longest time, it's always been Aaron Rodgers and the offense. It's nice to have a little notoriety on defense.

I adopted a pet because I have been wanting one for the longest time. In fact, I am really close to Ravi Dubey's dog Moyo.

For the longest time, I was Scott Ruffalo's brother. I mean, he was the mayor of Beverly Hills. He was just so beloved there.

For the longest time, chefs and restaurateurs were able to get products home cooks couldn't get, but that's not the case anymore.

Look, I spent six years in Philly. And for the longest time, I thought there was nothing like Eagles fans. Until I got to Buffalo.

For the longest time, I was trying to be DJ Shadow, I think. But I slowly developed my own style. It was trial and error, for sure.

In America, it stands out, because it's raw, it's big, it's emotional. My face is raw, big and emotional. It didn't work for the longest time.

I've been wanting to do a book about baseball for the longest time, and nobody will let me do it. It's the one thing from America I really miss.

For the longest time, I was very conscious of the camera while doing a scene. It wouldn't seem natural. But gradually, I've become more comfortable.

I've been pushing for the longest time that you get the votes easier and with more enthusiasm when people feel like you're addressing their concerns.

For the longest time, I still tried to hold up this act - this nice-guy, superhero, role-model persona - that wasn't really me and wasn't serving me.

I really didn't want to play basketball for the longest time, but I just wouldn't stop growing. But I always wanted to be a professional soccer player.

I love acting - I love doing it. It's a lot of fun, but for the longest time, I wanted to become a firefighter. I still do want to become a firefighter.

If you watch wrestling, you now know the hip-hop culture is being represented with wrestling. For the longest time, the cultures have almost been parallel.

For the longest time, my older brother told me he was teaching me self-defense, but now that I'm grown up, I realize he was just practicing his martial arts on me.

For the longest time, I was in random cold matches for 30 minutes and tore the house down for no reason, and everyone complained, 'Why isn't he in some kind of a story?'

For the longest time I was trying to please others. I can blame the whole world for each film that went wrong but if I'm not happy about a project I cannot give my best.

Boyhood is the longest time in life for a boy. The last term of the school-year is made of decades, not of weeks, and living through them is like waiting for the millennium.

It's like I'm thin skinned, I guess, but I thought I could never write about my youth for the longest time. It took getting to my forties before I could even look back on it.

My biggest enemy for the longest time was my head. When I first became successful, it made me anxious because I was overthinking everything, and you hear so many 'fail' stories.

For the longest time I was afraid I'd have to keep on working at the factories. There was a steel mill and a pottery; if you didn't go to college, you went to work in those places.

I think that Curt Swan, when he did Superman for the longest time, became the definitive Superman artist, and everybody got it. That made him very, very special in the annals of comic books.

We tried our best for the longest time to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the matter, and at each step, we were thwarted by those that said, No, we will not turn the boy over to his father.

My sense of style is an old Polo shirt, jeans and, unfortunately for the longest time, white running shoes, which was not attractive. The one thing I've learned about clothes is to ask a girl.

For the longest time, I was auditioning, getting called back, and I had a long string of things not going my way. I thought, 'Maybe this is never going happen. Maybe I'll never book a commercial.'

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