Looking good is the best revenge.

I never trusted good-looking boys.

Style begins by looking good naked

My English is not very good-looking.

Looking good Matt, you look like a money.

I'm still not aware that I'm good looking.

We have more to offer than just looking good.

Balls in general are not a good looking item.

Nothing tastes as good as looking good feels.

All David Blaine is is a good-looking magician.

Design means being good, not just looking good.

Good-looking people turn me off. Myself included.

I could puke on myself and still be good looking.

Looking at somebody looking good is so... boring.

They have bad taste. I am not a good-looking guy.

Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse.

When God ignores you, the devil starts looking good.

Thats not a place where I'm considered good-looking.

I couldn't work my way into being a good-looking guy.

I'm too young, too smart and too good-looking to die.

Be fit. It will keep your body and skin looking good.

I was never a good-looking bloke. Not by a long chalk.

Be a good-looking corpse. Leave a good-looking tattoo.

Nobody wants to read about a good-looking happy person.

I like looking good. But it's also about the feeling, right?

You know what they say. Best revenge is looking good, right?

There are plenty of good-looking women out there. Go get them.

I prefer intellect and charm. Good looks only take you so far.

You're so good looking I can barely keep my eyes on the meter.

I feel like I'm kind of lazy, but I keep the yard looking good.

Good looks should never become a part of your internal character.

So many girls only care about guys and looking good all the time.

Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.

I care more about Curtis than I do about selfies and looking good.

There's is a fine line between living one's truth and looking good.

No man that good-looking could be a bachelor. Life wasn't that kind.

Good-looking people are always looking for other good-looking people.

I think people are addicted to looking good in front of other people.

I’ve always had a big crush on Arjun Rampal. He’s so damn good looking

You have to be very, very good looking to get ahead in motion pictures.

I've never really been about looking good - I'm just bad at that stuff.

You know what they call a good looking girl in Philadelphia... a tourist.

Some are like the Moon, good looking, but only when they're away from you.

I think the only time that I worry about looking good is on the red carpet.

But do you love me? If Erik were good-looking, would you love me, Christine?

Looking good in Italy is even more important than looking where you're going.

When you think of the debonair, ridiculously good-looking guy, you think of me.

Ankles are nearly always neat and good-looking, but knees are nearly always not.

Men who are too good looking are never good in bed because they never had to be.

If you're not good looking, you're considered a good actor, you know what I mean?

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