The way people love sci-fi is how I love cartoons.

I can't tell people to love mountains. They have to find their own way.

I love Baltimore, I miss the people, but I think L.A. is way more chill.

People love to see themselves on screen in a way that makes sense and seems on point.

As always, I appreciate all the love and support people have sent and continue to send my way.

The messages I promote and the way that I go about dealing with people is from a place of love.

I love it when people take contemporary songs and find a narrative or a theatrical way of telling it.

People love their favorite records. And I aspire to make a record someone might be able to love in that way.

I love seeing the way in which young people embrace video, and the YouTube vlogger is a fantastic phenomenon.

Oh, I'm a psychology nerd; I love to learn about why people behave the way they do, how experiences influence us.

I'm horrified to admit that I just love Salinger. I was devastated to find out that other people feel the same way.

The way to build billion dollar companies is to first build something people love. There isn't really a shortcut there.

People just love to be entertained, and in order to entertain them, you have to do things in a way that they understand.

You don't only worry about the people who hate or resent you; in a way, you're more worried about the people who love you.

I love period drama as much as the next person, but there's a tendency to let all of the costume get in the way of the people.

I love to listen to people talk, especially when they're being really honest and they're not trying to sound any particular way.

Sobriety has a way of allowing a person to begin to realize that the things that you do have consequences for the people that love you.

People say 'The Wire's bleak, y'know, but I see it as a love letter to Baltimore, and it's one written in a very strange and complex way.

Because there is so little room for expression otherwise, a lot of people love cinema because they find it a way of expressing themselves.

A lot of times people get caught up in bidding wars, and will go way over what their price needs to be because they love the house so much.

I love stories about two people who are doing illegal things, who we really enjoy watching despite the fact that we know they are doomed in some way.

I really love sort of classical cinema where people were telling stories with very little dialogue, and people were using the camera in a really interesting way.

I think I know a thing or two about the way people love, but I don't know anything about hatred, psychosis, cruelty. Or maybe I don't have the guts to admit that I do.

The way you give love is the most profoundly human part of you. When people say it's ugly or a perversion or an abomination, they're attacking the center of your being.

I tend to write a lot of love songs, but I always want there to be something real and authentic that people can connect to, and I want to not just do it in a stereotypical way.

I think that the way that Steve Jobs sought after love was to create products that people loved. And when people loved his products, in turn they - he felt like they loved him.

I do a little thing about the way people shake the sweetener packet. You know, like they're all excited. I want to get all the granules down to one end. I love all these rituals.

In a way I think Bill Clinton is more likely to forgive and move on or at least try to woo people who don't love him. But he never really tried to woo the press as much as he might have.

When you do have songs where you're going to say something, some kind of statement about cultural or social stuff, that in general people love it. People love to be challenged in that way.

I love doing kitchen renovations where we're opening up the kitchen and creating open-concept main floors. I think that's one renovation that really changes the way people live in their homes.

I think it's very important for people to not judge the people you're playing. You have to find a way to love them because their story is theirs. I just don't think there would be any use in that.

People love to take sides, but it's not effective. It's not really an effective way of communicating something, because you're either already part of the side or you're going to feel attacked and get defensive.

I think Selena Gomez seems like one of the coolest people ever. And she's, like, an activist as well, and clearly she loves love and is a loving person. I don't know if it's clear because I don't know her, but it feels that way.

I love casting against type and doing things you wouldn't expect, because I think you get more interesting performances that way. Hollywood loves to pigeonhole people, and there's nothing an actor loves more than to do something different.

The most common criticism I've seen is that I write 'popcorn fantasy:' lightweight action-adventure. Some people call it that as they explain why they love it for exactly that reason. I'm cool with that, either way. I just nod and let it go.

One of the things 'Star Wars' is most deeply about is fathers, sons, and redemption. In its own way, it points to the indispensability of paternal love, and it has a lot to say about the lengths to which people - boys or girls - will go to get it.

People can get their news any way they want. What I love about what's happened is that there are so many different avenues, there are so many different outlets, so many different ways to debate and discuss and to inquire about any given news story.

The thing about the banjo is, when you first hear it, it strikes many people as 'What's that?' There's something very compelling about it to certain people; that's the way I was; that's the way a lot of banjo players and people who love the banjo are.

I think that there's a singular emotion that goes along with what the bands that we love mean to us. I feel like people feel represented by that in a way that you don't get from saying, 'Oh, I like this book' or 'I went to college here' or 'This is what my job is.'

I love to write. I used to be a math teacher. And I like the idea that other people could write about the same subjects, but no one would write it just the way I do. It's very individual: a child could write the same story as somebody else, but it wouldn't come out the same.

I used to love watching Angela Lansbury and other people when they were doing voice-overs for Disney shows. You'd see them doing these wild gestures in front of the microphone. I used to think, 'Is that really necessary?' What you realize when you're doing it is that that's the only way.

Now it's all about the word of mouth, and watching a series on Netflix. That's the way people actually consume this stuff now, instead of waiting for a DVD release you're not really sure you want to buy. And I think it's fantastic, because then I can watch the shows that I missed, over a weekend. I love doing that.

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