Win, lose or draw, you're all my cousins and I love you.

Find someone to love . . . and, oh, someone to love you.

When you do what you love, you do not feel the pressure.

I hit you and I beat you and I told you that I love you.

Oh, please don't go — we'll eat you up — we love you so!

Everybody loves you because you are brilliantly awkward.

See no one loves you more than me...and no one ever will

I don't have to tell you I love you. I fed you pancakes.

I love you, Mira…my Mate. My life. You’re my everything.

I just say that at any weight you should love your life.

Love your Job, but never fall in love with your Company.

You're strong—you're so, so strong. It's why I love you.

Love is not to be purchased, and affection has no price.

You just have to let people love you in the way they can

I do love you. I mean, love has nothing to do with this.

We'd be better off if we only had the words 'I love you.'

Love your enemies because they bring out the best in you.

If you don't love your work, it's hard to love your life.

Sometimes audiences love you because they get to boo you.

I love you. You are my heart beating outside of my chest.

I love you. Remember. And someday, I will find you again.

I love you is eight letters...then again, so is bullshit.

My best birth control now is just to leave the lights on.

I love you,too, Garrett. But sometimes love isn't enough.

And always remember how much your crazy sister loves you.

If you’re a part of my family, I will love you violently.

Only you can give yourself the love you need and deserve.

Lady love, your love is peaceful like the summers breeze.

All men love you for themselves. I love you for yourself.

I don't care if you love me or not. I'll love you anyway.

Of course I know who you are. You're my girl. I love you.

I love you all too much, it's one of just of my problems.

Love is telling someone their hair extensions are showing.

Every day you're alive and someone loves you is a miracle.

I will not be sworn but love may transform me to an oyster

It's the love you have for yourself that's most important.

To say 'I love you' one must first be able to say the 'I.'

When you walk in love, you give up your right to be right.

If it's the truth you seek, then darling love you'll find.

If you're thinking bout me, text 143 that means I Love You

I need you. Right now. Let me love you right here, please.

It's easier to love a brand when the brand loves you back.

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.

Blogging, I love you no matter how out of fashion you are.

When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.

No matter how you're feeling, a little dog gunna love you.

Find your Light; They can't love you if they can't see you

Be a best friend. Tell the truth. And overuse "I love you"

People will love you and support you when it's beneficial.

Words of love you whisper soft and true Darling I love you

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