I am the mainstream.

I love mainstream music.

Being mainstream is fun.

I don't ever wanna be mainstream.

I'm mainstream. Always have been.

I'm not really a mainstream novelist!

The mainstream is always under attack.

I would say that I'm pretty mainstream.

I never wrote music for the mainstream.

I really want my music to go mainstream.

I listen to jazz mainly. Mainstream jazz.

My proposal happens to be very mainstream.

Maybe the mainstream needs someone like me.

I am certainly not a mainstream religious man.

Yes, the mainstream media is painfully biased.

I consider 'Dope' a part of the new mainstream.

It's time for a trans hero in a mainstream comic.

Minority ethnic issues need to be mainstream issues.

Comic books have gone mainstream. The audience is there.

Rock in the mainstream culture has lost a lot of its mojo.

I like mainstream movies that are completely off the wall.

Mostly I do films that mainstream Hollywood wouldn't touch.

I definitely want to branch into television and mainstream.

Washington is totally out of touch with mainstream America.

I like that idea that what I do might be mainstream. Might be.

I don't like anything in the mainstream and they don't like me.

I'm going to do everything I can to keep from being mainstream.

There was a time I had resentment against everything mainstream.

Mainstream to me equals boring, so I don't want to be doing that.

Lawyers are like beavers: They get in the mainstream and dam it up.

I didn't have any ambition to produce big mainstream popcorn movies.

Performance has to be mainstream art. This is what I'm fighting for.

Lawyers are like beavers: They get in the mainstream and damn it up.

I really appreciate anyone trying to inject art into mainstream film.

Don't rebel against the mainstream only to conform to the underground.

I think I am very mainstream - I'm committed to good works in my life.

Alternative music is no longer alternative once it’s in the mainstream.

The tablet is not mainstream. Reading off the screen is not mainstream.

I don't see Merced appearing on a mainstream desktop inside of a decade.

I never wanted to be mainstream as a writer, but look at what's happened.

Dance music has pushed its way into the mainstream. Which is good for me.

Most of my work has been independent movies outside the mainstream system.

I don't wanna go full mainstream and have my followers go 'What happened?'

Anytime rock and metal can get on mainstream TV at all, it's a good thing.

I am what would be called a 'mainstream feminist,' not a radical feminist.

That, to me, is the real crossover: a mainstream artist singing in Spanish.

Usually, environmental programs are not designed for a mainstream audience.

In mainstream media, everything gets turned into a stereotype of ourselves.

The mainstream thinks that every skateboarder aspires to be in the X Games.

It's not always easy for a mainstream organization to accept what a blog is.

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