Yes, the mainstream media is painfully biased.

I think I'm a crossover athlete to get the sport into the mainstream media.

In mainstream media, everything gets turned into a stereotype of ourselves.

What you don't get in the mainstream media is so much of the background material.

You don't need mainstream media outlets, the big TV looks, or the magazine covers.

There's so many, 'no, black people aren't like that' barriers in mainstream media.

Let's face it: WikiLeaks exists because the mainstream media haven't done their job.

Protesters should make their own media and not rely on mainstream media to cover them.

In terms of mainstream media it's very difficult to break through if you're on the left.

So much of the mainstream media has taught us what beauty is, but everyone is beautiful.

The mainstream media showed, for example, no blood and guts resulting from the 9/11 attacks.

I do find that the mainstream media oftentimes is what I would consider off base or has a bias.

I'm saying that there's way more to 9/11 than mainstream media and our government have told us.

Most of the time, when the mainstream media reports on something, it never tells the whole story.

The caricatures that the mainstream media and the Democrats have about Republicans have taken hold.

Mainstream media is the enemy... but now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.

The mainstream media doesn't want to get into this because they don't want to know where this one goes.

Today they have proven once again that the mainstream media can't print enough bad news about our troops.

Reality TV has its perks and has given me a ton of exposure, not only in WWE, but also in mainstream media.

We need to boycott the mainstream media, and we need to go online, and we need to find credible news sources.

For whatever reason, the mainstream media, for the most part, affixes itself to progressive or liberal propaganda.

I would like to point to the extraordinary lengths the mainstream media will go to maintain a sensationalist story.

Mainstream media tend to just mouth the conventional wisdom, to see everything through the filter of right and left.

Criticisms of mainstream media bias have been a staple of the conservative movement and talk radio from the beginning.

I've always been very passionate about trying to have Asian-Americans or Asian faces be more prominent in mainstream media.

Unfortunately, a lot of the mainstream media television is so fake, so plastic, that it's really turned off the younger generation.

Sadly, the mainstream media doesn't like to linger very long on news stories that might present President Trump in a positive light.

The mainstream media decided long ago that Hillary Clinton was going to be a fabulous global leader regardless of how she performed.

The mainstream media tend to lump everything together. To them, there's no difference between Madonna, the Rolling Stones, or whatever.

I mean, MTV or the mainstream media can tell you one thing, but when there are 40,000 people in front of you, who cares about all that?

Never has the political class or the mainstream media that covers them been more out of touch with the American people than they are today.

Mainstream media tends to showcase a very specific kind of Mardi Gras, but my experience of Mardi Gras is very different; it's very cultural.

The democratic approach to news is a very valuable thing. We're always going to be dependent on the quality of reporting of mainstream media.

I don't think it is deniable: whenever we, I, conservative media, are really interested in something, the mainstream media purposely avoid it.

The people are tired of these mainstream media outlets telling them who should be the boss, who should be the nominee, because it hasn't worked.

As the mainstream media has become increasingly dependent on advertising revenues for support, it has become an anti-democratic force in society.

The mainstream media has chosen their candidates and their issues, and they're not the same as the GOP's. They are going to be painted as the bad guys.

I am thrilled and proud of Benjamin Watson for speaking up on behalf of innocent black lives, traditionally an unpopular stance in the mainstream media.

Maybe Drudge is more entertainer than reporter. I imagine he enjoys baiting the mainstream media, then watching it look foolish when his story is debunked.

A political party is dying before our eyes-and I don't mean the Democrats. I'm talking about the mainstream media, which is being destroyed by the opposition.

You could argue that as web audiences have grown larger and advertisers have demanded scale, the web has dumbed down - like the mainstream media we so mocked.

The mainstream media has its own agenda. They do not want to print the facts. They have an agenda, they have a slant, they have a bias. It is outrageous to me.

I remain committed to telling the stories of women of the African diaspora, particularly those stories that don't often find their way into the mainstream media.

I wasn't passionate about food until I'd been cooking for a while. I started long before food became part of the mainstream media. I just wanted to cook, period.

I don't even read 'the Sun' and it's my job to read everything that's politically important. I think that's a symbol of the declining power of the mainstream media.

The vast majority of people back higher taxes on the rich. Yet these are fringe ideas within most of the mainstream media, which marginalises those who support them.

I have met guys who work the overnight shift at 7-11, selling Slurpees and Camels to insomniacs who have more introspection than a lot of people in the mainstream media.

The mainstream media describe Antifa as 'antifascist,' but, in fact, it is a far-left paramilitary-style movement of anarchists and communists agitating for a revolution.

Trump's rise was contingent on wide swaths of the country completely tuning out so-called mainstream media sources, while all too many outlets did a poor job covering 2016.

We're all imperfect. And wouldn't it be great if the message sent out by the mainstream media is that we're fine being exactly who we are? Wouldn't that be great for everyone?

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