Brown is a manly color

A woman's honor rests on manly love.

Opposition strengthens the manly will.

More childish valorous than manly wise.

It is not manly to turn one's back on fortune.

I'm in need of a man apron. A very manly apron.

Nature is a vast repository of manly enjoyments.

It is not right or manly to lie even about Satan.

When I come to Manly I just remember my childhood.

Manly men have a caring heart for all living things.

I like your manly bravado," she said. "Do it some more.

I like my men to be manly, as you'll see from my books.

To be nobly wrong is more manly than to be meanly right.

I want a manly man who's not afraid to get down and dirty.

I like a man who smells manly. I love the smell of nature.

I am in love with Counting Crows. It is so manly and American.

This isn't a very manly thing to do, not showing up for a fight.

Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of manly character.

If I have any sexist feelings they are aimed at men: I hate manly men.

Good fellowship and friendship are lasting, rational and manly pleasures.

My dad is a true man. A man's man. Every manly thing he does, he does so well.

It's a real bloke thing, not talking to people because it's not manly to get help.

But manly set the world on sixe and sevene; And, if thou deye a martir, go to hevene.

I suppose I'm quite manly in lots of ways, but I like to be made to feel like a woman.

The strong manly ones in life are those who understand the meaning of the word patience.

'The Sun Also Rises' by Ernest Hemingway is my favorite book. You feel manly reading it.

The strong manly ones in life are those who understand the meaning of the word patience.

I was pretty as a child and I felt that I wasn't very manly and that plagued me for years.

It is fatal to be a man or woman pure and simple: one must be a woman manly, or a man womanly.

When you get older, you mature, and you start liking flowers. Although I try and keep it manly.

The wussiest thing a guy can do is drive a clean truck. Dents, scratches and mud - that's manly.

Every manly icon the West has ever admired has embodied the very spirit of American independence.

These manly sentiments, in private life, make good citizens; in public life, the patriot and the hero.

One thing I always loved about hip-hop music was the raw, boom-bap element - it felt powerful and manly.

Come, for my part I will have only those glorious, manly pleasures of being very drunk, and very slovenly.

To be meek, patient, tactful, modest, honorable, brave, is not to be either manly or womanly; it is to be humane.

I was born in Manly Hospital, I pretty much grew up in my grandmother's house until my parents bought their own home.

I like a man who can respect a woman. When he's real attentive, I think that is very manly. To respect a woman is divine.

If a woman possesses manly virtues one should run away from her; and if she does not possess them she runs away from herself.

Growing up, Paul Newman seemed like the ultimate manly actor. And then, I got to work with him and we became friends, so that was nice.

It was in 'Esquire' in the 1970s that I first learned Nora Ephron's recipe for borscht - certainly an editorial first for that manly magazine.

I was feeling real good and real manly. Until a real cowboy walked by and told me I had my hat on backwards. So much for my career as a cowboy.

Life is too short to be little. Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply, acts boldly, and expresses himself with frankness and with fervor.

A little less complaint and whining, and a little more dogged work and manly striving, would do us more credit than a thousand civil rights bills.

There's a tendency among some male writers to make the women in their stories weak and needing of rescue so that their hero looks like a manly man.

Steph's such a good dad for girls. He's super attentive, and he's, like, not too manly to get down on the floor and play with them and have a tea party.

For centuries, the question of men needing to comprehend women simply didn't arise. Men were valued according to how they measured up to the manly virtues.

To be womanly is one thing, and one only; it is to be sensitive to man, to be highly endowed with the sex instinct; to be manly is to be sensitive to woman.

When a book raises your spirit, and inspires you with noble and manly thoughts, seek for no other test of its excellence. It is good, and made by a good workman.

I said I thought female labour of the sort exacted from these slaves, and corporal chastisement such as they endure, must be abhorrent to any manly or humane man.

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