Our mantra was simplicity.

Here’s my mantra: ‘Every mile is a gift.’

My mantra is, 'This or something better.'

Time management is the mantra of my life.

Remember my mantra: distinct... or extinct.

Sab kaa saath, sab kaa vikas. This is our mantra.

A mantra is like meeting the Buddha or Bodhisattva himself.

If you are unable to meditate, chant your mantra or sing bhajans.

Gratitude is the greatest prayer. Thank you is the greatest mantra.

'Happiness is a Small Politician' - my mantra then and forever more.

We all need mantras, I guess - stories we tell ourselves to keep us going.

One of my mantras is if I'm scared to do something, that means that I have to do it.

My mantra has always been to have zero regrets in life. Everything I do at one speed, I go all-out.

If it’s meant for me, it will be.' Those words are my mantra in life, and it has never let me down.

I sit quietly and repeat my mantra until I'm in a meditative state, taking it all in but not focusing on any one thing.

Only God has no limits (except those he voluntarily imposes on himself). The mantra "no limits" is actually a call to idolatry.

I think that you have to believe. That's one of my biggest mantras, is believe. I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in myself.

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