A German joke is no laughing matter.

The work will stand, no matter what.

A Fighter gets up... No matter what.

Reagan proved deficits don't matter.

Stories matter. Many stories matter.

Matter moves, but Ether is strained.

Spend time doing things that matter.

What matters is like, spreading love.

Does age matter? Time doesn't matter.

What we do right now, today, matters.

If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

All that matters is to help the team.

It does not matter much what happens.

The heart is what matters most of all

Class still matters in Britain today.

Truth is a matter of the imagination.

I know for sure that nothing matters.

It matters if you don't just give up.

Politics doesn't matter, policy does.

Usage ain't always a matter of ought.

Everything matters. Time is precious.

The clock doesn?t matter in baseball.

I'm for truth, no matter who tells it.

Matter and death are mortal illusions.

Emerge gently from matter into Spirit.

What matters is the imaginative truth.

Business is a matter of human service.

Truth is truth no matter what I think.

Behave like everything you do matters.

Matter is plastic in the face of Mind.

Happiness is not an individual matter.

If it matters, it produces controversy.

Strength is a matter of a made up mind.

You always have choices no matter what.

To give importance to trifling matters.

In a major matter no details are small.

Killing more people won't help matters.

It matters that you don't just give up.

When all else fails, complicate matters

The Ballon d'Or is a subjective matter.

Hipness is the only asset that matters.

Small to greater matters must give way.

It doesn't matter how anything happens.

No matter how long you live, die young.

Age doesn't matter, unless your cheese.

Life is largely a matter of expectation.

Happiness is the sense that one matters.

No matter what happens, it’s always now.

The naming of cats is a difficult matter

When Allah decides a matter, it is done.

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