I maximize every day.

Figure out your niche and maximize it.

My investors expect me to maximize profits.

What I'm trying to do is maximize every day.

We have limited time, and we have to maximize it.

We love renovating spaces to maximize a home's equity.

No person can maximize the American Dream on the minimum wage.

It is time to maximize and prioritize our health care dollars.

Opportunity 7-on-7 is a great chance for me to maximize my reps.

One thing my parents always taught me was to maximize my options.

While I am here, I want to maximize my time on this planet, you know.

The chief purpose of a union is to maximize the income of its members.

Well, any effort to maximize your potential and ability is a good thing.

The best way to maximize storage in a small space is with custom cabinets.

I try to just maximize every rep I can get and every opportunity I can take.

How do you deliver the best possible and affordable health care to maximize health?

It's not about just how to maximize your finances but make sure it lasts a long time.

It seems older people maximize their well-being more - they start to realize that life is short.

Obviously, the goal is to maximize my own potential, whatever that may be. That's all I focus on.

I just want to get drafted to a good team, good organization that is going to maximize my talents.

God gave me the ability, so why not? Go out there and play for Him. Maximize the talent He gave you.

If someone gives you an opportunity, you better maximize it so that he wants to give you the next one.

Any conception of human well-being you could plausibly have, the Taliban patently fails to maximize it.

In a battery, I strive to maximize electrical potential. When mentoring, I strive to maximize human potential.

Wikileaks is a mechanism to maximize the flow of information to maximize the amount of action leading to just reform.

We don't want to incent a guy to do things that hurt the team. They all maximize what they think they're being paid for.

If the government would like to hire my services to maximize value for their stake, they should approach me. No problem.

I want to maximize my potential. And when I talk about that, don't get me wrong - I'm not talking about just making money.

As a pro-business Democrat, I understand the obligations of publicly traded companies to maximize returns to shareholders.

The few times that Soros has ever criticized me was when I was really right on a market and didn't maximize the opportunity.

The thing I would hate myself for the most or regret the most is if I did not push myself to maximize my potential and my abilities.

I'm more mature, my game is more mature, and I can do a bunch of things on and off the court to fully maximize this team's potential.

Companies that are publicly held have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to try to maximize their profits within ethical reasons.

I like to be pretty streamlined, to maximize our time on the practice floor. I like to make sure I'm respectful of our players' time.

Over the years, I've learned that a confident person doesn't concentrate or focus on their weaknesses - they maximize their strengths.

Even when I did 'New York Undercover' I put together a five-year marketing and promotional campaign to maximize the exposure of that show.

I think some of the most important exercises are all the core exercises that you can do to maximize training in certain areas of your body.

I just want to maximize my time here on the football field and after that, I don't know what I'll do. I can coach, I can do a lot of things.

Surge pricing only kicks in in order to maximize the number of trips that happen and therefore reduce the number of people that are stranded.

I think it's pretty unique to see a coach adjust to the talent he has and maximize the abilities of players he has and help them keep growing.

There is nothing wrong with wanting pay for work, or seeking to maximize one's income, as long as one does not use means that are destructive.

I had a fundamental love of fashion, of products and accessories. I loved the merchandising side of it and understanding how to maximize sales.

I don't have a number, I just want to catch them all. That's always my goal is to maximize every opportunity and every throw that's coming my way.

Employees can make happiness when they maximize their brainwork voluntarily and enthusiastically. Management should focus on setting up an atmosphere.

Rather than realizing immediate physiological gain, the challenge is more about reducing the mental attrition from the two days to maximize each event.

I use the computers to maximize my efficiency and establish a baseline for my swing, but once I'm on the course, I don't think about any of that. I just play.

Me, in all aspects of my life, I'm thinking about how can I maximize my skill set and who I am as a person. That's part of my job in becoming a better receiver.

We must maximize our efforts to counter violent extremism, radicalization and recruitment in the United States and stop using xenophobia and ethnic stereotyping.

We must expect to fail... but fail in a learning posture, determined no to repeat the mistakes, and to maximize the benefits from what is learned in the process.

The first and most optimistic response was complete rational expectations econometrics. A rational expectations equilibrium is a likelihood function. Maximize it.

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