I wouldn't want to debate me every day.

Every day I do something that freaks me out.

My audiences are giving me awards every day.

Mellow doesn't describe me. I'm hungry every day.

I run every day. It keeps me sane and it's my meditation.

Waking up every day and planning games makes me motivated.

Every day I'm not working or writing is a wasted day to me.

I train every day to destroy whoever they put in front of me.

The Yankees don't pay me to win every day, just two out of three.

I think about rodeo every day. I miss it. It's what gave me purpose.

I'm surrounded by a lot of women and they really inspire me every day.

It's very important for me to wake up and do some form of workout every day.

Show me another pleasure like dinner which comes every day and lasts an hour.

It starts with my family. That drives me every day, just seeing them smiling.

I have to make beats every day. Wherever I go, I got a keyboard waiting for me.

I'm no sexual siren. I see prettier girls than me in the grocery store every day.

I grew up on the softball field. Every day I would take my glove and my bat with me.

I'm so thankful that Mum taught me to cook, because not every day is a takeaway day.

I've got three kids, and my three kids make me feel like I'm getting older every day.

Plans never go well for me. I just live every day like I ain't gonna live the next one.

I've grown this mustache which saves me from having to glue on one every day in the heat.

Ya know what I do almost every day? I wash. Personal hygiene is part of the package with me.

Now, I'm not 100% there, but every day I wake up, I'm happy being me, and I just feel fulfilled.

I'm called Anne because my mother, who was devout, prayed to St. Anne every day of her pregnancy with me.

No I.D. executive-produced 'Under Pressure' and helped me find the Logic sound that's evolving every day.

It's common sense. Here's a problem, here's a solution. What will it manifest to? This drives me every day.

My coaches have always been on my side, motivating me to try harder and harder every day, which is not easy.

Einstein explained his theory to me every day, and on my arrival I was fully convinced that he understood it.

To me, there are saints every day. They stand up and help others and live for others and do things for others.

For me, I still wish every day that I could play tennis again. It's such an incredible, wonderful job to have.

MySpace is just spam central. I mean, every day I just get mail inviting me to gigs that are nowhere near Los Angeles!

I'm scammed almost every day. Or, if not scammed, at the very least someone tries to scam me. Usually more than once a day.

If I could have drawn a cat yelling for lasagna every day for 15 years and have them pay me $30 million to do so, I would have.

For me, songwriting is something I have to do ritually. I don't just wait for inspiration; I try to write a little bit every day.

I can't do it every day. They're not going to give me much to hit right now. They're pitching me real well. If I get there, fine.

He knows I rip him off every day. He's the godfather for me. Nobody can say they aren't influenced by what Stevie Wonder has done.

They held up 'The Outlaw' for five years. And Howard Hughes had me doing publicity for it every day, five days a week for five years.

That's what makes me keep playing every day is the fact that I'm not quite there, you know. There's always more for me to be able to do.

Me and my brother are players that spend three to four hours in the gym every day doing running, lifting heavy weights, and doing treadmill stuff.

I feel it's tougher for the guys, because if I break up with them, then they can go on and be forced to watch me on TV every day. I don't see them.

When I'm working on a book, I constantly retype my own sentences. Every day I go back to page one and just retype what I have. It gets me into a rhythm.

When I'm on a movie, I'm unavailable every day for a year and a half. You can't do that with a little baby. Somebody might be able to do it, but not me.

Let me tell you something about Tunechi - about that boy. That boy comes to the studio every day and grind as if he doesn't have a dollar in his pocket.

On 'The Impossible,' I was taught how to act. Naomi Watts was there every day constantly teaching me. That was where I discovered I wanted to be an actor.

I was an accountant in Chicago, and a friend of mine, Ed Gallagher, was in advertising. At 4:30 every day I'd be bored, and I would call him. He'd interview me.

There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. That little girl was me.

I never got used to getting hurt and watching games on the bench. So, it's a little frustrating for me to sit there and watch my guys go out there and play every day.

It would take me three or four lifetimes to do everything I want. I'm a Brooklyn boy who learned to hustle, and I have to do something every day or I get the guilties.

I'm really, really close with Kevin Owens. We talk practically every day. He was a guy who really, really helped me, both in Ring Of Honor and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla.

I tend to write two stories every day, five days a week. It's a real grind. But it also allows me to really try to have my finger on the pulse of injustice in America.

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