I am very clear, the people close to me know how I am.

I am fortunate in having people around me who protect me.

People often expect me to be something other than what I am.

I don't care what people think or say about me, I know who I am.

So many people have asked me if I am in a cult. I'm not in a cult.

When people compare me to Kylian Mbappe, I am not quicker than him.

I really don't care if people know who I am or what's said about me.

People watch me because I am a footballer, not because I wear a nice watch.

People will see me at Chelsea the way I am and judge me the way they want to.

I am quite fluent in Odiya. I understand the people of Odisha, and they understand me.

I am not going to give in to people who try to exploit me because of my celebrity status.

I want people to see me for who I am and not for how someone else is trying to promote me.

I feel like when people judge me they're not judging me, because they don't know who I am.

When people ask me if I am a feminist film maker, I reply I am a woman and I also make films.

I am so dedicated, so passionate, and that counts for more than what crazy people throw at me.

No dog is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people. I am the dog whisperer.

That's why I wrote 'Fighter'. I have that need in me to help people. I am all about the underdog.

After 'Breaking Bad,' people are very frightened of who I am. They back away from me on the street.

It seems that different people have an idea of what I am, and what I should be. And then there's me.

A lot of people have asked me how short I am. Since my last divorce, I think I'm about $100,000 short.

I am someone who does not plan a lot. I go with the flow, and I just want people to know me as an actor.

I've heard people say I'm a Curry and that helped me get where I am. Sometimes I think it's the opposite.

I don't give a damn what people say about me. I like me the way I am, and who cares what other people say?

People who know me know that there's a light-hearted side, humour... But you could easily say I am cheeky.

I have such an extraordinary platform where I am able to help people. To me, that's the number one priority.

People who know me know that if I say I'm going to do something, I'm doing it. I am hungry. I am determined.

I'm certainly not who people think I am. I always do whatever I want to do, and my films are personal to me.

People say that Chelsea are undergoing a revolution. Well, that suits me fine, because I am a true revolutionary.

I am not inspired by anyone. I don't have any idol. I just follow the people around me and try and learn a few things.

I am getting support of people from all class and creed. Some of them told me they will vote for me, if not for the party.

Let me begin by saying that I am one of those naturally wary people who considers the verb 'return' a kind of insidious threat.

People used to call me a one film wonder. I am glad to understand the dynamics and demographics of functioning in this industry.

When I tried to play characters that strayed from who I am it ended in disaster. People didn't expect me in comedies or musicals.

People seem to think I got where I am because of the clothes that I wear. That's unfair to me and unfair to all of my accomplishments.

People like Bill Maher, who brags about being a cynic, it sickens me. I am the least cynical person I know, and I am very, very skeptical.

People that know me realise what kind of player I am. I'm a front-foot defender; I like a tackle, but I'm not malicious, and I don't go in to hurt.

I am sick of people sitting there saying, 'Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz.' He doesn't deserve to be in the ring with me. He's not at the level that I am.

People were like, 'he's collaborating with Taylor Swift' and I was like, 'I am?' I think she's wonderful. Her songwriting has inspired me for years.

I am not someone who can be fooled by praise at all. In fact, I quickly sniff out people who are being fake with me. It doesn't go unnoticed with me.

If there's one thing above all that sets me apart from Tony Blair it is this - I am not embarrassed to articulate the instincts of the British people.

I am huge fan of Lata Mangeshkar, Kishore Kumar, Mohammad Rafi, Ghulam Ali and Mehdi Hassan. Listening to these people inspired me to become a singer.

I think people recognize me if I am going out to dinner or if I am staying in a hotel. They are not quite sure at first because I have grown up a lot.

I am a very private person. No one ever knows anything about me as I don't think it is necessary. I tell people as much as I want them to know about me.

Well, first, if I am fortunate enough to be elected to the U.S. Senate, it won't be a party that will have elected me. It will be the people of California.

Real people are places to me as much as persons: I want to see them, as I want to see the places I am fond of, in all weathers and at all times of the year.

People do make assumptions about models. That's their issue, not mine. It doesn't bother me because I'm comfortable enough in my own skin - I know who I am.

It's been two years since I am off television, but I am constantly being offered roles for TV projects. People from the TV industry continue to be kind to me.

I am grateful that the people of Telangana supported me when I spoke in the Andhra accent, just as much as the people of Andhra embraced my Telangana dialect.

I think you can tell by the people who surround me the type of person that I am, and the people I rely on in my close circle are trusted, respected, experienced.

I am going to fight capitalism even if it kills me. It is wrong that people like you should be comfortable and well fed while all around you people are starving.

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