Honesty has always been very important to me.

I try not to stick to any one thing, you know. That's always been important to me.

It was always important for me not to be pigeonholed as a cruiserweight-style wrestler.

I always know in advance what I've got coming up. Preparation's important to me - it helps my performance.

Staying humble has always been really important to me, and always being proud of what you're representing.

One thing that's always been important to me is to try and build a tool kit, drumming-wise, that was diverse and wide-ranging in terms of what I played.

I grew up with a lot of brothers, and I don't have any sisters, so for me it's really important to develop my sisterhood. It's something I've always coveted.

I think it's important to wear clothing that means something to you, and so I always try to make sure I'm wearing at least one item that has a personal meaning to me.

Before a race, I block out what's going on in the stadium. It's different for everyone. But for me, I've always been able to block it out. For a sprint race, it's important not to get distracted.

In Holland we have always viewed Villa as an important club with a tradition of being powerful in Europe when I was younger, so I would be very interested in managing them if the job was offered to me.

As a professional cricketer we are used to prepare for any format. For me switching between formats is a mental thing. I always think technique is only that important and mental preparations are more important.

Avishai my brother always says to the audience, 'If you weren't here, it would just be a rehearsal.' So it's important to me to acknowledge and engage them. I know that they are there for me, and I'm humbled by that.

I think probably one of the important things that happened to me was growing up in Idaho in the mountains, in the woods, and having a very strong presence of the wilderness around me. That never felt like emptiness. It always felt like presence.

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