Every uniform corrupts one's character.

When union membership goes down, so do wages.

Christianity means a lot more than church membership.

Membership in the bar is a privilege burdened with conditions.

Membership in the bar is a privilege burdened with conditions.

Look to the temple of the Lord as the great symbol of your membership.

If I could get my membership fee back, I'd resign from the human race.

Membership is the church's corporate endorsement of a person's salvation.

After 43 years of membership, exiting the E.U. was never going to be easy.

Having cancer gave me membership in an elite club I'd rather not belong to.

Membership of an organisation is good, as long as you can make yourself heard.

Membership First's record is one of conflict, division and, ultimately, failure.

At the end of the day, any political party wants to see an increase in membership.

I will go out of this world feet first with my Lib Dem membership card in my pocket.

I have a gym membership, but that's always been more about muscle building for roles.

[Paul] Ryan won kudos both within his membership and the party base for not giving in.

The majority people in this country are suffering because of our membership of the E.U.

The Muslim Brotherhood membership includes designated terrorist organizations like Hamas.

The Hungarian people voted for NATO membership. We are active in the joint actions of NATO.

I became an MP in 2017 and have been around to watch Liberal Democrat party membership soar.

It's really important that we don't hang up the membership to the human community at menopause.

The Scouts are a private organization and have every right to set their own membership standards.

The price of maintaining membership in the establishment is unquestioning acceptance of authority.

Have you walked around in heels? That's a workout. But like all good gay men, I have a gym membership.

I'm not a gym rat. I've got a gym membership, but my schedule is so crazy I just can't keep it regular.

There are lots of jobs and investment in Scotland dependent on our membership of the E.U. single market.

I am upset at the way I was removed... With a heavy heart, I resign from the primary membership of the AAP.

Membership in the closed society of the motion-picture industry is almost never revoked for moral failings.

Fortunately, I was still living in Los Angeles at the time. So I went out to World Gym and got a membership.

The NRA is a true grass-roots organization, and the collective power of its membership is simply unparalleled.

I hope not in works. I hope not in ethics. I hope not in baptisms or church membership. I hope in Christ alone.

I look forward to the time when the membership of the Supreme Court's more reflective of the country it serves.

If I didn't mind having a quarter of my car payment going towards a gym membership, I'd definitely go to Equinox.

The advantages we gain from EU membership clearly and categorically outweigh any disadvantages that come with it.

The NRA was run like an old-time club when I took over. We were in the red and getting cut off from our membership.

A church has no right to make anything a condition of membership, which Christ has not made a condition of salvation.

Private sector labors unions continue to suffer losses in their membership while public sector and service unions grow.

That's the dirty little secret of Mormon growth. Lots of baptisms don't necessarily translate into long-term membership.

There were some who wanted all the benefits of E.U. membership without any of the costs. I'm not sure that's very realistic.

I don't think that our European Union membership precludes us from building an illiberal new state based on national foundations.

Matt Le Tissier had firm views about Austria's reluctance to allow Turkey full membership of the EU last Saturday, I seem to recall.

What I appreciate about WP is that they have very clear processes for candidacy and membership. There is no fast track or parachuting.

Jobs have become more precarious and staff turnover has increased while union membership has plummeted, weakening workplace solidarity.

I hold that a writer who does not passionately believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor any membership in literature.

I had left my career to join the party. But now it has become difficult for me to continue and so I resign from its primary membership.

Every dog might wish to be Dog One, but like us, most dogs want membership in the group even more than they want supremacy over others.

From the ruins of the second world war, Labour rebuilt Britain and set it on course for European co-operation and membership of the E.U.

Membership of the E.U. is not about cherry picking. It brings a lot of advantages and, of course, it requires a lot of responsibilities.

I grew up as a horseback rider and a volleyball player so honestly when I got a gym membership in New York, I thought I was going to die.

A smaller-size party and parliamentary membership does not necessarily equate to lesser demands; if anything, the opposite can be the case.

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