Learn the art of the pitch and of messaging.

We really owe it to our world to infuse our entertainment with messaging.

Incomprehensible messaging is a very important part of Russian propaganda.

They also can combine voice with instant messaging and online file sharing.

There's a blizzard of metrics that social sites and messaging sites put out there.

On mobile, what are the core apps? It's basically messaging, mapping and review data.

Mobile Messaging is rapidly becoming the primary way users engage socially on mobile.

Democrats are very good at governing. When it comes to messaging, I'm not too sure about.

Sometimes I think opposable thumbs were invented so teenage girls could use text messaging.

Instant messaging and chat rooms have basically created a level playing field for deaf people.

To put it simply, it doesn't matter how many other messaging apps are out there if all of them suck.

I had some glamour models messaging me on Twitter and saying they think I'm hot, but I'm being careful.

What makes our product work is the way we're tightly focused on messaging and being an SMS replacement.

I used to have a BlackBerry. E-mail and text messaging and all those things that make life so much easier now.

Messaging is such an integral part of our lives, and Begroupd will help solve problems everyone can relate to.

I always felt like the only messaging I was hearing around faith was, you need to be perfect or you can leave.

Democratic states must have access to content exchanged between terrorists on social media and instant messaging.

The Obama campaign has adeptly used YouTube and social networks as a relatively thrifty way to do targeted messaging.

Everyone was messaging me like, 'Yo, 'Rubbin Off the Paint' goes hard.' Everybody in school knew it. The teachers know my song.

Brands must be very specific in their choice of social media platforms through which to communicate their CSR or cause messaging.

In America they started to refer to Telegram as 'ISIS's preferred messaging app,' But in reality there are many more legitimate users.

WhatsApp's extremely high user engagement and rapid growth are driven by the simple, powerful and instantaneous messaging capabilities we provide.

It's great to see that kind of support online. For people to be messaging myself, my nan and the rest of my family, all the support has been great.

Miley Cyrus followed me, tweeted at me. We started messaging; we traded numbers. She's become like a friend. She's super supportive of me being gay.

We've actually got a Chelsea loan WhatsApp group. The loan department set it up. Sometimes it drains your battery when everyone is messaging each other.

Our entire lives, we're inundated with media and messaging that tells us that to be incarcerated is to be criminal and to be criminal is to be a bad person.

I still feel there are much smarter self-promoters out there than me. I am very methodical about my messaging, and I know how to gain attention very quickly.

Gay men can sometimes feel ashamed or chastised when the messaging is 'Be out and proud!' or 'Just come out.' It's not that easy. It certainly wasn't for me.

This is the thing that I think we're all learning from the Chinese: that this merging of messaging, media, and payments together really makes sense to people.

People say that text messaging is a new language and that people are filling texts with abbreviations - but when you actually analyse it, you find they're not.

People that's in power - the central banks, these fiat currencies that are traded globally - they got influence over the messaging and the narrative in the media.

I don't take part in texting and those other things myself, so I don't really know if people put as much thought into messaging as they used to into writing letters.

I think comedy does have that powerful thing that doesn't seem too preachy because you're also making people laugh, so it's really kind of a good tool for messaging.

Without social media, I wouldn't have young girls messaging me from Australia or Mexico City or the Midlands, but I do wonder if I'd be on it if it wasn't part of my job.

In 1978, there was a 14-year-old boy working in Newark. He did in fact create the inter-office mail system and called it email. What they did before 1978 was text messaging.

I'm thrilled to be working with Miss Me again as I stand firmly behind the brand's messaging to help empower women and help them feel confident without compromising comfort.

Text messaging is just the most recent focus of people's anxiety; what people are really worried about is a new generation gaining control of what they see as their language.

In the past, we might have lost a game, and you get fans messaging you, saying, 'Ah, don't worry, you've done so well,' and it can be a bit patronising, do you know what I mean?

Email, instant messaging, and cell phones give us fabulous communication ability, but because we live and work in our own little worlds, that communication is totally disorganized.

Few people outside the Telegram fan community realize that most of the new features in messaging appear on Telegram first, and are then carbon-copied by WhatsApp down to the tiniest details.

When 60 - 70 percent of all interpersonal conversations and relationships exist through text messaging or social media, it's hard to get advice from a parent who didn't grow up in that world.

People just don't sit down and just watch TV at night. Between cellphones, television, video games, the Internet and instant messaging, people are just spending their time in different places.

Social messaging has become the defining app of the smartphone era. Social payments has been a natural extension of this phenomenon - it's going to be the locus of most communications activity.

I think it's great when people accuse me, almost always falsely, of promoting conspiracy theories, because that shows how effective I am at messaging and how effectively I can use social media.

I think we basically saw that the messaging space is bigger than we'd initially realized, and that the use cases that WhatsApp and Messenger have are more different than we had thought originally.

'WhatsApp' provides phone number-based messaging, and people asked, 'Isn't that what SMS is?' Yes, but SMS is expensive, antiquated, and what WhatsApp did was modernize and level that playing field.

I have lots of brothers and sisters, two of whom are younger than myself, so I rely on my phone, text messaging or e-mailing to stay in the loop and communicate when I'm away for big chunks of time.

'Fruitvale' set the bar for what I wanted to do with my career, which was to make films that had consciousness and messaging in an entertaining package. Once I hit that mark, I never wanted to go back.

I think the power of messaging is saying something in as few words as possible, because I think we all essentially have ADD. It's not a clinically diagnosed state anymore; it's a socially imposed state.

I was dating this guy and we would spend all day text messaging each other. And he thought that he could tell that he liked me more because he actually spelt the word 'YOU' and I just put the letter 'U'.

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