There's only one Michael Jordan.

Willy Wonka's like my Michael Jordan.

I know everything about Michael Jordan.

Michael Jordan was like basketball Jesus.

Growing up, Michael Jordan was my Olympic hero.

Michael Jordan was a tremendous basketball player.

To put it another way, Michael Jordan was a gym rat.

I'm a big Bulls fan, Michael Jordan fan, LeBron fan.

I was a Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan fan growing up.

Hopefully, one day, I'll be up there with Michael Jordan.

I want to do for rebounds what Michael Jordan did for dunks.

Being Michael Jordan means acting the same as I always have.

In Taiwan, I'd be like Michael Jordan walking down the street.

I think the NBA will certainly survive without Michael Jordan.

Michael Jordan was the greatest practice player I've ever seen.

Michael Jordan is probably the greatest scorer to play the game.

There is nothing that will be bigger than a Michael Jordan tribute.

I'm a huge fan of Michael Jordan, and I love the game of basketball.

If I would compare anybody to Michael Jordan, it would be Kobe Bryant.

I grew up in Chicago, and I understand what Michael Jordan symbolizes.

When Michael Jordan quit, I suddenly found myself without a sports hero.

Michael Jordan always wore his Carolina shorts under his Bulls' uniform.

I don't want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.

You can lose. Michael Jordan lost, but that doesn't mean he wasn't the GOAT.

I told my boys this: Somebody gotta be better than Michael Jordan. Why not you?

Michael Jordan and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar were the two guys with unstoppable moves.

Eddie Murphy was the Michael Jordan of comedy. He had a full range of abilities.

I never wanted to be Michael Jordan, although I would like to trade bank accounts.

I was a big Michael Jordan fan growing up. I don't feel my game resembles his though.

Michael Jordan was that guy - he was Michael Jordan. So whatever he did, we followed.

It's always cool to make a comeback like 45 Michael Jordan did, or like Marshawn Lynch.

If you look up the definition of greatness in the dictionary, it will say Michael Jordan.

My dad played junior college basketball, and he always showed me clips of Michael Jordan.

I was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time and play with Michael Jordan.

I thought the lanes opened up when Michael Jordan used to drive. I used to be like, 'Wow.'

I was probably 7 or 8 when I went to see the Bulls play and was able to see Michael Jordan.

I can remember me and my cousin always fighting. He was a big Bulls and Michael Jordan guy.

Well, unless you're Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan, you need the full support of your team.

I've had an affinity for Michael Jordan. He's probably the greatest athlete in my generation.

He made the game look easy. But being Michael Jordan, and all that came with it, that wasn't easy.

I'm a Michael Jordan fan just like everyone else. I just don't think he's the greatest player ever.

I don't really celebrate victories. Kobe Bryant just kept playing. Michael Jordan just kept playing.

A lot of people say Michael Jordan and all of that. But Magic Johnson and my dad were my role models.

I grew up the No. 1 Michael Jordan fan on Earth. I was from the Philadelphia area and Jordan was king.

You look at a guy like Michael Jordan: I can't believe there will be other basketball players like him.

I remember being a teenager and watching 40-year-old Michael Jordan compete in his final All-Star game.

I always watched Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson, and I said I could be playing on the court with them.

The greatest players use anger as fuel. Michael Jordan played every night with something like road rage.

I'm not sure I've ever been around anybody that wanted to win more or worked harder than Michael Jordan.

Recording with Meek Mill for me was like when Allen Iverson played with Michael Jordan for the first time.

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