I love Michigan.

I like playing Michigan.

I've surfed on Lake Michigan.

Michigan is a proud university.

I'm from Michigan and a down-home girl.

A Michigan man is going to coach Michigan.

Elvis up in Michigan and maybe out in Mars.

Michigan... it's a great state... somewhere.

Right now, hail to the Michigan State Spartans.

Michigan State means so much to my life and me.

I'm very proud of the auto industry in Michigan.

I would be shocked if Tom Izzo left Michigan State.

I'm pleased to say I am here for life at Michigan State.

So if you want great sports, Michigan's the place to be.

We've lost 400,000 jobs in Michigan because of downsizing.

I'm a suburban mom. I grew up in Oakland County, Michigan.

I don't get back to Michigan nearly as much as I'd like to.

The current Michigan Constitution was written in 1961 and 62.

One way or another, we're going to fix the roads in Michigan.

Central Michigan was the one FBS team that recruited me hard.

Michigan is a state that wants access for women to healthcare.

I think we've got outstanding teaching in Michigan classrooms.

The current Michigan Constitution was written in 1961 and '62.

Growing up in Michigan was fine...until I realized where I was.

In some ways I grew up in the public library in Troy, Michigan.

There is a gentleness in Michigan that you just can't replicate.

When people think about Michigan, they usually think about cars.

I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and I hate Michigan.

All the people who can't get into Michigan go to Michigan State.

Michigan is my antidote to Manhattan. This is where I come to relax.

I'll always be a fan of coach Harbaugh. Not too sure about Michigan.

I started acting at the University of Michigan in my sophomore year.

The Clean Michigan Initiative has been and continues to be a success.

Michigan is also the only industrial state that has a AAA credit rating.

I love living in Michigan, which has been great for my kids and my family.

Neither the University of Michigan nor its law school uses a quota system.

I grew up with a big backyard that led to the sand dunes of Lake Michigan.

I grew up in Michigan, in the Detroit area, so cars are sort of in my DNA.

The Cool Kids are Chicago. Me being from Michigan is a part of that dynamic.

We need to continue to make the case that Michigan is where you ought to be.

Throughout my life I have dreamed of coaching at the University of Michigan.

Michigan was the place that people used to move to from all around the world.

The Russians didn't tell Hillary Clinton to ignore Wisconsin and Michigan, OK?

I am from Michigan; I am from Grosse Pointe. I was upper class growing up there.

God blessed me by putting me here for thirty-one years at Michigan and Trumbull.

Michigan, with its delicious American name. How lucky one must be to live there.

A lot of the education that I got at Michigan State I still use to this very day.

Most of the time, I'm here in Michigan and I'm taking out the garbage every Monday.

The Michigan Republican primary apparently is tighter than Willie Nelson's headband.

I had a great time at Michigan State, but no four years will compare to Saginaw High.

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