Who is his manager? Milton Bradley.

I am a normal person from Milton Keynes.

I'm a big fan of economist Milton Freidman.

Poetry is what Milton saw when he went blind.

Milton, in his hand The thing became a trumpet

Milton, thou should'st be living at this hour.

Malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man.

Milton had a highly imaginative, Cowley a very fanciful mind.

And malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man.

The only ones who like Milton Berle are his mother - and the public.

You want to prove that Milton Friedman is a fascist? It's easy. Quote him.

Milton Friedman’s misfortune is that his economic policies have been tried.

Read not Milton, for he is dry; nor Shakespeare, for he wrote of common life.

Milton was the first person who really experimented with putting politics into sonnets.

Neither claimed any responsibility for Milton Keynes, but both reported it as a success.

The ancients recommended us to sacrifice to the Graces, but Milton sacrificed to the Devil.

The choreographer for the Milton Berle show wanted me to audition. I walked away from that.

Any country that has Milton Friedman as an adviser has nothing to fear from a few million Arabs.

Shakespeare was of us, Milton was of us, Burns, Shelley, were with us. They watch from their graves!

All great economists are tall. There are two exceptions: John Kenneth Galbraith and Milton Friedman.

May the soul of the late President Milton Obote... a long-time member of this parliament, rest in peace.

A money-financed tax cut is essentially equivalent to Milton Friedman's famous 'helicopter drop' of money.

With the passing of Milton Friedman on November 16, 2006, we lost one of the great champions of free markets.

The characteristic of Chaucer is intensity: of Spencer, remoteness: of Milton elevation and of Shakespeare everything.

The gym in Milton Keynes or wooden backboards at Chester - maybe it didn't feel that glamorous at the time, but it was fun.

There was a time... when people didn't go out of their house on Tuesday night at eight o'clock because Milton Berle was on.

It would be difficult for me not to conclude that the most perfect type of masculine beauty is Satan, as portrayed by Milton.

No poem, not even Shakespeare or Milton or Chaucer, is ever strong enough to totally exclude every crucial precursor text or poem.

I can't tell you how much more important watching 'Hellraiser' is to my music than listening to a Milton Babbitt piece or something.

I learned a lot about self-reinvention. How you can be born Milton Sternberg in the Bronx and then become Monroe Stahr in Hollywood.

Every author has the whole past to contend with; all the centuries are upon him. He is compared with Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton.

Nobody will go on being remembered for a very long time, unless you're Shakespeare or Milton. I have no hope of being remembered at all.

I remember tap-dancing and singing in front of the TV when I was a kid, telling my dad to stop watching Ed Sullivan or Milton Berle and watch me.

I used to have a Milton steel water bottle that I would wield like a hammer, almost! My answer to all my bullies was to take out my bottle and hit them.

The passages in which Milton has alluded to his own circumstances are perhaps read more frequently, and with more interest, than any other lines in his poems.

So many of the great thought leaders that have shaped economics - Gary Becker, Milton Friedman - what an unbelievable success story they've had in their field.

When I read 'Paradise Lost,' or 'Richard III,' it is clear that Milton and Shakespeare took real pleasure and satisfaction from creating these epitomes of evil.

White people use their literature to maintain culture. That's why you find references to Milton and Spencer and Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky in contemporary novels.

Milton took vaudeville, which, if you look up 'vaudeville' in the dictionary, right alongside of it, it says 'Milton Berle' - and he made it just a tremendous party.

When I first redesigned the 'Surfer' magazine, a magazine about magazines took a copy to the famous American designer Milton Glaser, and - surprise surprise - he hated it.

Here is the difference between Dante, Milton, and me. They wrote about hell and never saw the place. I wrote about Chicago after looking the town over for years and years.

While I tend to side with economist Milton Freidman when it comes to free-market economics, there is a place for 'Made in the U.S.A.' where national security is concerned.

Most of my reading is based on what I'm working on. I did a series of paintings based on the seven deadly sins, so I read Dante and then Milton's 'Paradise Lost.' That was a bit hard going.

My grandmother Dora taught me how to cook. She's from a small town in West Virginia called Milton. I would pull a stool up to her kitchen counter after school. My love of food started there.

The Apollo seats 3,600 people: I could hear them making a huge noise for Milton Jones and Lee Mack. If the audience doesn't make the same amount of noise for you, you feel like you've failed.

When the economy was going up, [Milton Friedman and I] both gave the same advice, and when the economy was going down, we gave the same advice. But in between he didn't change his advice at all.

In 2008, Milton Sheppard opened the Waiter Training School in the Bronx, N.Y., charging $175 for courses, but the business soon ran out of money. He now operates a clown college in the same space.

There were some television sets back in the '50s, but they were expensive. People would gather at the rich guy's apartment down the hall to watch Milton Berle on his 10-inch black-and-white screen.

My landlady, who is only a tailor's widow, reads her Milton; and tells me, that her late husband first fell in love with her on this very account: because she read Milton with such proper emphasis.

Today we see how utterly mistaken was the Milton Friedman notion that a market system can regulate itself... Everyone understands now, on the contrary, that there can be no solution without government.

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