The mobile industry changed Africa.

Uber exists because of mobile telephones.

Android dominates the mobile malware market.

Online commerce is being replaced by mobile.

I like to keep mobile. It keeps my mind awake.

I think mobile advertising is going to be huge.

A smartphone is a mobile computer in your pocket.

Mobile is a lot closer to TV than it is to desktop.

Mobile is something I think about all the time now.

Mobile usage is going up; mobile conversion is not.

Gamification is as important as social and mobile.*

They're pretty accurate, the clocks in mobile phones.

If you don't have a mobile strategy, you're in deep turd.

Mobile will probably disrupt much of what we know of web 2.0.

Our mobile phones have become the greatest spy on the planet.

Machine Zone is redefining the face of social mobile MMO games.

We think of bitcoin as mobile. It's not one company; it's broad.

The single most important top-level trend is the shift to mobile.

Advertisers want to get to mobile, and they don't want banner ads.

For capitalism flourishes best in a mobile and egalitarian society

The mobile phone is not a toy; it's a device that uses radio waves.

I want to be buried with a mobile phone, just in case I'm not dead.

You know what we call pedestrians in Morganville? Mobile bloodbanks.

Mobile is an incredibly fast-growing market and will continue to be.

The big problem retailers are facing is the world is moving to mobile.

Mobile was Internet 2.0. It changed everything. Crypto is Internet 3.0.

This ain't no upwardly mobile freeway, oh no, this is the road to hell.

Many small businesses are running entire businesses from a mobile phone.

Mobile is the future, and there's no such thing as communication overload.

Women are going to be a huge force in developing Web and mobile companies.

The only purpose of cats is that they constitute mobile decorative objects.

Apps have become a preferred way of accessing information on mobile devices.

The mobile middle class gravitates to the cities where housing is affordable.

... it's hard to be politically conscious and upwardly mobile at the same time.

InMobi is passionate about pushing the limits of business and mobile technology.

So actually I only got a mobile phone the day after I left being Prime Minister.

If I find God's mobile number, I wouldn't call Him, that would be too expensive!

Most emerging markets are skipping web based technology and go straight to mobile

I'm a big mobile fan, so I love seeing all of the latest technologies with phones.

The reason I don't carry a mobile phone is I don't want people to know where I am!

Mobile phones could not work in Africa without prepaid because it's a cash society.

I live in a Mobile Home - I've never had a house, except once; I rented a log cabin.

Apple has long been a leading innovator of mobile technology; I myself own an iPhone.

Success in business today requires real-time, mobile access to business opportunities.

A good example of the modern world is the Eurotunnel. And mobile phones - I like them.

Everyone is panicked about the transition to mobile. I don't lose any sleep whatsoever.

There's a mobile app for almost anything you may want to do, any situation you confront.

I respect Apple. It's a great company that changed the world, especially the mobile time.

Before mobile phones, I used to call my parents from a phone box and reverse the charges.

Every man is a creative cause of what happens, a primum mobile with an original movement.

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