As I've gotten older, I've realized my true models are my parents. My mom is like a sheroe. My dad is so strong.

There are great female role models out there, and I just feel very proud to be able to represent them in my work.

Any model we make does not describe the universe it describes what our brains are capable of saying at this time.

I have role models, but I take the attributes of the people that I admire, and I use them to create my best self.

I think a smile can make your whole body. Models, they look fabulous, but they don't smile, and they look so mad.

You're not working with models, you're working with real women who have, like, anatomy. Models do not have anatomy

I thought if I could be a model, or even do commercials and stuff like that for the rest of my life, I’d be happy.

Sometimes we become what we see. Sometimes we take what we see and make it the model for what we refuse to become.

I have been skeptical and not trusting of traditional models of the entertainment industry. I never got a manager.

You're not working with models, you're working with real women who have, like, anatomy. Models do not have anatomy.

By going to Pluto, we have a chance to anchor, with real data, models of the early evolution of Earth's atmosphere.

There are so many beautiful girls who aren't photogenic. In real life, half the models you see look really hideous.

In the past, it weighed on me because nobody in my family is gay. I had no role models so I had to find my own way.

Once you understand business models you can then start prototyping business models just like you prototype products.

For the devices we use... the funding models are completely screwed up. Angel funding isn't sufficient for hardware.

I'd love there to be more larger models, but it's just not going to happen. Designers love to design for slim girls.

I would love to see all agencies connect to models more for who they are and can be as opposed to what they've done.

Growing up with strong female role models is always inspiring, and growing up, that was something I aspired to play.

To conclude: good journalism is one of the models of good conversation and communication in the wider social context.

I think Jennifer Lawrence is a brilliant role model for young girls, not some of the models that I see on the runway.

We can see after 200+ years that the American model failed. It is not limited. It is totalitarian. And getting worse.

I see girls that I know - I absolutely know - will be star models within just a matter of weeks, and they always are.

When I think of 'Instagram models,' I say you have to take baby steps. You cannot just walk straight onto the runway.

When I was writing 'House Of Suns,' there were a few writers I had in mind as role models, the main being Gene Wolfe.

When I go to shoots, the young models are excited to see me. It proves they can have long and successful careers, too.

Today it is not the classroom nor the classics which are the repositories of models of eloquence, but the ad agencies.

I've never hung around with any models. I've always hung around with my friends from school and kept myself to myself.

The ultimate arbiters of the models of banking and the management of banking are the investors. It's the shareholders.

The same actor plays the role of a thief and a police officer on-screen. It's not fair to look for role models in them.

Is it not dangerous to have students study together for years, copying the same models and approximately the same path?

Startups don’t fail because they lack a product; they fail because they lack customers and a profitable business model.

I was an accidental model. One day I was asked to me a model by a neighbor who was short on models. Then I got into TV.

But things move in circles: one minute it's the models who are famous, then it's the actresses, then it's the designers.

Mariacarla Boscono has taught me a lot, and I have been lucky enough to become good friends with so many amazing models.

If you don't look like an airbrushed model ... you have to look past it. You look how you look. What are you going to do?

I was raised by strong women, and the role models I had in music and cinema were strong, too - liberated and provocative.

Our ultimate goal with Real Models is to open a school and I would love to do it here in Miami, open up a charter school.

The good thing about people underestimating models is that the bar is set so low, you tend to impress people more easily.

I believe that athletes - especially female athletes in the world's leading sport for women - should serve as role models.

Every agency would mention my hips. I remember looking at the other models and thinking, 'I do not look like these girls.'

Lila can't be a model until she's at least 21. She is already a mini-me - it is scary. She already has her own beauty kit.

Fashion doesn't look good only on models; it can look good on different people of different ages and different body shapes.

I aspire to a poetry of great formal integrity, deep passion and high intellect, and I have many models for how to do that.

I love spending time with young people. I love to hear about what they think. It keeps me young. And they need role models.

And of course the things that get the most attention online tend to be similar to those that succeeded under the old model.

Jess Ennis, Chrissie Ohuruogu, Vicky Pendleton and Laura Trott, to name a few, have acted as female role models in England.

I've never been a model, I was an actress for like a minute, but I've always been a writer. That's where I'm going to stay.

For the women's team, our job is to be professional footballers for club and country and be the best role models we can be.

When I first came to New York, I was so bored. My friends were like, 'Do a blog. It's the hip thing to do for male models.'

The radical Left loves attacking people as anti-science when anyone dares question their computer models on global warming.

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