My momma's my hairdresser.

I'm a momma's boy at heart.

I, for one, have a great momma.

Bad moments don't make bad mommas.

Yo' Momma, I'm a ghetto super star.

My biggest project is being a momma!

I came out of my momma's womb fighting.

She smacked him so hard his momma felt it.

My momma used to kick in the door like SWAT!

I am loving being Momma. I really, really am.

Momma's girls are different. They are intense.

It's no beef with Tay-K... Free Tay-K on my momma.

I am a momma's boy, so she gets whatever she wants.

Shake what ya momma gave ya and most of all be sassy

I'm kind of - I guess you could say - a momma's boy.

I'm essentially a momma's boy with a good education.

If you listen to yo momma You won't ever have no fun.

My own momma turned her back on me, and that's my momma.

I've always been a momma's boy. I'm very proud to say it.

As long as there's Big Momma, we're going to bring you comedy.

Give her a day, and then in return Momma gives you the other 364.

My momma owns rental properties, and my pops worked at Hershey's.

I just miss being around my mother. I'm her boy. I'm a momma's boy.

I don't really have any opinion about my performance in 'Big Momma's House.'

This is how God made me, and this is what my momma gave me. I am proud of this.

My momma always said, 'You and Elvis are pretty good, but y'all ain't no Chuck Berry.

My momma didn't clean up floors so I could be a thug... so I could wear my pants down.

My momma wasn't a weak person and she wasn't a complainer. So I don't wanna be like that.

It's better to be married to someone who hates your politics than someone who hates your momma.

Being the 8th out of 10 kids, and being the one that stayed in trouble, I sort of became a momma's boy.

If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.

My momma told me a long time ago, 'not everybody has to like you.' And it's very true. I'm ok with that.

My momma says whenever you go to somebody's house, you have to give them something. Don't come empty-handed.

Ever since I was little, I loved soup! Whether I was sick or had a bad day, my momma would always make me soup!

After momma gave birth to 12 of us kids, we put her up on a pedestal. It was mostly to keep Daddy away from her.

I don't think I've ever put it in words before. But daddy took a gun and ended his life and took momma's with him.

I got my first guitar at age of 7 and never laid it down. Momma taught me G, C, and D. I was off to the races son!

My mother died, and I couldn't stand to look at her bedroom any more. I'd get sick. I've always been a momma's boy.

You can't change people, but most importantly, unless you're their momma, you don't even know what's best for them.

I don't feel like I've ever done anything - even 'Big Momma's House' - that I didn't really have some desire to do.

My momma was slick as greased lightning. She knew how to get anybody and everybody to do whatever she wanted 'em to do.

God chose me for a reason. My momma tells me that every day. I know there's a million people who want to be in my shoes.

I am proud of my kids, but I also want to make my mom proud of me. I'm still a momma's girl at the heart of the situation.

I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, born and raised. It was hard. I stayed with my momma, then I ended up moving with my daddy.

I want to thank my momma for pulling up. I want to thank my boys who was with me since day one; thank you for pulling up on me.

Well, I was dedicated to God before I was born by Momma and Daddy, and I was raised in a very traditional Southern Baptist home.

No one can beat Momma. She made me the person I am today - the way I think and act and move and talk and speak. It's all because of her.

One of the few things I like about Bill Clinton is that he has very good manners. If his momma were still alive, I would congratulate her.

I was a momma's boy. I didn't get anything from Dad, except my body and baseball knowledge. The only time I spent with him was at the ballpark.

All my momma's people were very musical. My grandpa, who was the Pentecostal minister, he was a great musician. He played the fiddle, he played the piano.

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