Musicians can run this state better than politicians. We won't get a ...

Musicians can run this state better than politicians. We won't get a lot done in the mornings, but we'll work late and be honest.

I hate mornings.

I tend to write in the mornings.

I wake up some mornings hating me too.

I'm really optimistic in the mornings.

I'm horrible in the mornings. I'm grumpy.

I don't find the early mornings difficult.

I work in the mornings almost exclusively.

I write in the mornings. During my down time.

Not in the mornings, I'm always so tired in the morning.

I wish I got a lie-in on Saturday mornings but I never do.

I'm terrible in the mornings, but I'm always at my desk by 10 A.M.

In the mornings at around 5:30 A.M., I train karate with my family.

In Argentina, I trained in the mornings, and I played a lot of golf.

The roughest part of that lifestyle is the travel and early mornings.

Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.

My Sunday mornings are spent in a recovery meeting in Pacific Palisades.

In the mornings, I try to wash my face - especially if I'm going to set.

You eat when you're hungry, and I'm not normally hungry in the mornings.

Once I'm awake, I'm awake, which helps when you have to run in the mornings.

What do sharks do on Monday mornings? They get up and start biting. That's me.

I don't want to be known in my life for what I do from 5 to 9 in the mornings.

When I was young, I would make my parents breakfast in bed on Saturday mornings.

Life is not only about dark nights; it's also about beautiful, sunshiny mornings.

Saturday mornings, you've got three hours of live telly and it's really forgiving.

We do cardio, core strength, lifting - and we train in the mornings, which I hate.

On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are created jerks.

I seem to have this need to belong to some church. I get worried on Sunday mornings.

Most days, I practice piano in the mornings and I spend the rest of the day painting.

The replenishing thing that comes with a nap - you end up with two mornings in a day.

I always bring a post-workout protein shake with me and some cereal for the mornings.

I've been meditating since 14 years and my mornings are spent in the building garden.

I set my alarm for 7:30 A.M., but it's really hard for me to wake up in the mornings.

All mornings should start with a cup of coffee and a good message from Chris Harrison.

I don't always run in the mornings, but I am definitely better if I run in the mornings.

Sometimes we spend 20 minutes just watching Carol Vorderman brush her hair in the mornings.

I woke up many mornings not knowing what I'd done the night before. I'm amazed I'm not dead.

Three mornings a week, I exercise before eating - it's called 'fasted cardio' - to burn fat.

The perception is that more important people watch news in the evenings than in the mornings.

I run on the beach in the mornings. I've also immensely enjoyed CrossFit with Dheepesh Bhatt.

This terrifying world is not devoid of charms, of the mornings that make waking up worthwhile.

I do hate air conditioning and early mornings, but my friends all know this and plan accordingly.

Saturday and Sunday mornings are the only time the children are allowed to turn on the television.

I loved listening to music around the house with my mom on Saturday mornings when we would clean up.

In the mornings, I usually have four eggs, five pieces of bacon, some toast, and two protein shakes.

Also, I walk and hike in several different nearby parks near our home several early mornings a week.

I grew up writing about the paranormal, and I blame too many Saturday mornings watching 'Scooby Doo.'

The world is so different for a child, waking in the mornings, wide-eyed and ready to take it all in.

I go for long walks in Newlands Forest in Cape Town, and I go to the Turkish baths on Sunday mornings.

I don't own a blow-dryer - I don't know how to use it. Most mornings, I walk to work with my hair wet.

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