Motivations are too tangled and complex.

One of my motivations in life is to be a billionaire.

We want our villains and antagonists to have distinct motivations.

The motivations I had for being successful were somewhat dysfunctional.

I'm interested in character and people and motivations and things like that.

My motivations are thinking I can write better songs, that the concerts can be better.

I like a role where some of the character's motivations are confusing or at least interesting.

In American films, Russians are often portrayed like cartoon villains without clear motivations.

There's a wide range of motivations that led folks to patrol the border, to be part of Arizona Border Recon.

I was not sympathetic to the assumption that criminals had radically different motivations from everyone else.

We have today a fairly thorough knowledge of the early Greco-Roman period because our motivations are the same.

You have to understand who your customer is and her motivations and marry it to what's happening in the outside world.

I aim to be translucent, so you don't notice the words, just their meaning. I haven't much insight into people's motivations.

I don't think most people are all heroic or all villainous, so I find ambiguity of motivations to be a natural human condition.

We need to separate the process of evolution - which is, indeed, a self-serving process - and the actual motivations of animals.

Let America Vote will make the case for voting rights by exposing the real motivations of those who favor voter suppression laws.

Real people are complex, contradictory, and have their own motivations - they can't just be mouthpieces for the writers' point of view.

Often, writer's block will occur when I don't understand a character or his/her motivations. So I will make notes analysing characters.

To understand the motivations behind Chinese government policy decisions, look no further than their impact on State-Owned Enterprises.

What I find most interesting is how people really have taken Linux and used it in ways and attributes and motivations that I never felt.

The motivations for using drugs, often it's pretty obvious and common: you know, peer pressure. You know, kids are struggling growing up.

When kids are young, before the age of ten, there is a critical window of opportunity when their habits and motivations can be influenced.

One of the biggest motivations for me with writing my books is to offer girls some escapism, especially girls who really need it, like I did.

I want to be the world's number one one-day player; I want to win a World Cup, win the championship with Lancashire - those are my motivations.

Corruption has its own motivations, and one has to thoroughly study that phenomenon and eliminate the foundations that allow corruption to exist.

Proposals to forbid golf courses have about the same motivations as proposals to forbid skate boarding, although the rationalizations are different.

One of the primary motivations for the series is that I never really felt that I was a person who could explain verbally what I thought all that well.

We all have our motivations in life and for me, it's my kids. They push me every day and keep me going. It gives me that extra motivation that I need.

Getting older, getting married, buying a house, becoming a different person... I had to figure out what my new motivations, inspirations, and goals were.

It's strange how the mind works while you're acting, because you have all sorts of quick thoughts going on as well as the motivations with the character.

There are cultural biases built into testing, and that was one of the motivations for the concept of affirmative action - to try to balance out those effects.

Good history is good story-telling. And good story-telling demands empathy; it requires understanding different actors, differing motivations, competing goals.

One of the central motivations for holiness in the New Testament is to be who you are, to understand your identity and your union in Christ and to live that way.

I've written short stories from male perspectives before, and I've never had a problem with it as long as I've understood the character's emotions and motivations.

The second draft is on yellow paper, that's when I work on characterizations. The third is pink, I work on story motivations. Then blue, that's where I cut, cut, cut.

I definitely have a preference for writing anti-heroes and bad guys, especially when they have motivations that the average 'good' person can understand and get behind.

Whatever their motivations, lawmakers on both side of the aisle have certainly discovered that immigration is one of those issues that resonate strongly with the public.

The second thing for me, probably a few clicks down, is the idea that The Sims smoothly age and have different concerns and motivations and needs at different age ranges.

When I read profiles of myself, I sometimes think: 'I have spent my whole life struggling to understand my motivations and impulses, and I've never quite sorted them out.'

As a consumer goods company serving billions of consumers every day, Unilever understands the drivers and motivations that create the norms that lie behind people's behaviour.

Bureaucrats behave very differently than a private-sector manager because their motivations are different. Permanent bureaucrats, no matter how senior, worry about their next job.

A lot of times in coaching, that's more than half the battle, to get people that are willing to buy in because they trust you and understand that you're genuine in your motivations.

The term 'psychological thriller' is an elastic one these days, tagged liberally on to any story of suspense that explores motivations while keeping blood and chainsaws to a minimum.

If you are striving to have more happiness in your life, it helps to guide your mind towards starting to recognize what are selfish motivations and what are constructive motivations.

My paintings capture the humor, zaniness, and depth of the Batman villains as well as the Freudian motivations of Batman as an all-too-human, venerable, and funny vigilante superhero.

Initially, I was very skeptical about getting involved because I, much like many Americans, had preconceived notions about Stormy Daniels and her motivations and what she is all about.

One of my motivations to become a blood specialist was to study malaria in red blood cells. But in science, you discover something and you want to go this way, but your work goes that way.

The history of exploration has never been driven by exploration. But Columbus himself was a discoverer. So was Magellan. But the people who wrote checks were not. They had other motivations.

'Dark Shadows' was the spark that lit the fire of my childhood imagination. It wasn't polished; it wasn't perfect. But it gave us characters with real personalities and complicated motivations.

I explain this not for publicity, nor seeking to win an argument of right or wrong, I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation.

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