Some people cannot see a priest on a mountain of sugar.

I'm excited to join the Mountain Dew snowboarding team.

The top of one mountain is always the bottom of another.

Some men see mountains as obstacles. Others as a canvas.

One who can move mountains start with the little stones.

The man who hunts a deer does not gaze at the mountains.

I have my mountain man moments like hiking in the woods.

Son, if the mountain were smooth, you couldn't climb it.

Better to master one mountain than a thousand foothills.

Only one mountain can know the core of another mountain.

Literature is a mountain made of gold in this poor world!

To know the hight [sic] of a mountain, one must climb it.

A good song and good musicians can really move mountains.

Lake is jealous of mountain; mountain is jealous of lake!

On the other side of every mountain was another mountain.

Messengers and mountain bikers share a common chromosome.

Duty is heavy as a mountain, death is light as a feather.

Life is a mountain of solvable problems and I enjoy that.

But we are all insane, anyway. Note the mountain-climbers.

You don't need to climb a mountain to know that it's high.

Life is a mountain of solvable problems, and I enjoy that.

A mountain still in the distance can appear as a molehill.

I have climbed my mountain, but I must still live my life.

One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time.

If I have someone who believes in me, I can move mountains.

What is that mountain goat doing way up here in the clouds?

Never underestimate the power of funny, it moves mountains.

The mountains have always been here, and in them, the bears.

You get to the top of one mountain and then you see another.

You won't find reasonable men on the tops of tall mountains.

A girl without braids is like a mountain without waterfalls.

The mountains of madness have many little plateau of sanity.

George Harrison wanted to play the thief in 'Holy Mountain.'

You have to conquer the mountain if you are going any futher

Sitting like a mountain let your mind rise and fly and soar.

Nothing puts things in perspective as quickly as a mountain.

Roll us down the mountain and I'm sure the fatman would win.

I would love to go and live in the mountains... and make jam.

Is that all? The mountain in labor has brought forth a mouse.

When we ask God to move a mountain, God may give us a shovel.

I'm a believer in The Word, which says "God moves mountains."

Faith as tiny as a grain of sand allows us to move mountains.

Doing time is like climbing a mountain wearing roller skates.

The mountains are beautiful but they are not worth dying for.

I don't really go mountain biking per se, like a proper sport.

Slow is fast, gentle is powerful and stillness moves mountains

There are naked people in boots on a mountain top firing guns.

You get used to sadness, growing up in the mountains, I guess.

Every man should pull a boat over a mountain once in his life.

Plastic surgeons are always making mountains out of molehills.

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