If you go to a bad movie, it's two hours. If you're in a bad movie, it's two years.

The Lord of the Rings movie set an entirely new standard for fantasy in the movies.

I'm drawn to filmmaking that can transport me. Film can immerse you, put you there.

Most movies are made today for teenage boys. Once in a while a good one comes along.

Intimate scenes on a movie set are just dry, bizarre things; people standing around.

After I do a big movie I get offered big movies. But I always do the weirdest indie.

And I love a scary movie. It makes your toes curl and it's not you going through it.

Oh, yeah, I do movies; I forgot. They see them on TV. I forget that anybody knows me

I love independent filmmaking. I don't agree with a lot of it, but that's the point.

I think maybe making films is something innate you can't really teach to begin with.

I can't remember ever staying for the end of a movie in which the actors wore togas.

I like to make all kinds of movies. I'd do 'Ocean's Thirteen' with the right script.

My dad played my dad in 'Patriots Day' and that's why he thinks that's a good movie.

Economically, it’s more expensive to make movies. I hope digital movies change that.

Sometimes I'll be watching a movie then think to myself that I could do a better job.

In the Rodgers and Hammerstein generation, popular hits came out of shows and movies.

New York's like a boxing match. In Hollywood, it's like a Fellini movie or something.

My movies were the kind they show in prisons and airplanes, because nobody can leave.

I feel like soundtrack music is almost like seeing the movie again, but with my ears.

Whether in success or in failure, I'm proud of every single movie I've ever directed.

I love Elmore Leonard. To me, True Romance is basically like an Elmore Leonard movie.

Movies I liked growing up were like Francis Ford Coppolla movies and Scorsese movies.

The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.

The big-budget blockbuster is becoming one of the most dependable forms of filmmaking.

I've always been someone who feels better, if I see what I'm going through in a movie.

I enjoy getting riled up, and nothing's gonna do that for you like a good scary movie.

I think people like to be scared. I think people like tension and suspense in a movie.

Hollywood is a place where they place you under contract instead of under observation.

This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country.

I just want to see a good movie. Fortunately, good movies come in all sorts of genres.

I guess any movie actor can become a role model for audiences out there who enjoy him.

Movies are not scripts - movies are films; they're not books, they're not the theatre.

Editing is not a part of the filmmaking process I've ever been privy to as an actress.

And if people come up and say they like the movies you're in, it's a great compliment.

'Election' is a movie I'd give a leg to cross the director's name out and put mine in.

Show me an actress who isn't a personality and I'll show you a woman who isn't a star.

I haven't sold to the movies. In other words, I haven't gotten any enormous checks yet.

How serious can a movie about time-traveling robots be? You want it to be cool and fun.

If you have to have a job in this world, a high-priced movie star is a pretty good gig.

I've always wanted a movie where the bad guy came out on top. It would shock the world.

Part of filmmaking is always a guessing game, and part of it is always a game of trust.

Every rippling muscle is a book not read, a movie not seen, or a conversation not held.

Once a month the sky falls on my head, I come to and I see another movie I want to make.

I like simple things. I like to sneak in the theatre and watch movies. I'm a movie buff.

They're innocent movies, and they're fun movies and there were no pretensions about 'em.

You have a bad day at the office, four people know. You suck in a movie, everyone knows.

There are two cinemas: the films we have actually seen and the memories we have of them.

I don't want to make movies for kids, and I don't want to make movies for adults either.

A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order.

I'm an actress that's game for anything. I would love to do a movie like 'Winter's Bone.'

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