I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means ...

I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.

We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of ...

We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.

I don't have big muscles.

Muscles come and go; flab lasts.

The mind is just another muscle.

Life yields only to the conqueror.

Muscle is good, but craft is better

I like to stretch my acting muscles.

Great ideas originate in the muscles.

Practice puts brains in your muscles.

The mind is stronger than any muscle.

Exercise the writing muscle every day.

Wake up muscles we're in New York now.

I have unreasonably strong leg muscles.

I don't want to be all power and muscle.

Archery requires very sensitive muscles.

He (Jimmie Foxx) has muscles in his hair.

Muscle and water is critical in burning fat.

If embarrassment were a muscle, I'd be huge.

I use very few muscles at the best of times.

A lack of electrolytes can make muscles sore.

Muscles do not use oxygen at a constant rate.

The mind, like any muscle, must be exercised.

Take care of your muscles and they'll hold up.

Most female models don't have any muscle mass.

Freedom is a muscle...you have to exercise it.

Willpower is a muscle that can be strengthened.

You can buy muscles, but you can't buy COJONES!

A boy's muscles move quicker than his thoughts.

Nobody gets muscles by watching ME lift weights.

Strength is not measured in muscle, but in will.

Failure builds muscle, determination, and dreams.

Showing strength is different than showing muscle.

If I'm dehydrated, my muscles feel almost squeaky.

Unused ability, like unused muscles, will atrophy.

Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.

If knowledge is power, then curiosity is the muscle.

Your pupillary muscles relax when your body gives up.

Under that heart of stone beat muscles of pure flint.

The muscles in my lower abdomen had torn off my pelvis.

Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul.

My eye muscles hurt now when I read our MasterCard bill.

I haven't got muscles, and I don't live in West Hollywood.

Bushcraft is what you carry in your mind and your muscles.

I had surgery on my core muscles. They were ripping apart.

Every rider trains their muscles but few train their brain.

Hard work is a muscle that you develop, as is taking risks.

We are adhering to life now with our last muscle - the heart.

The imagination is like a muscle: it strengthens through use.

People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles.

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