The imagination is a muscle. If it is not exercised, it atrophies.

Strength of the mind is more powerful than strength of the muscles.

Strength is not energy; some authors have more muscles than talent.

You don't have to be a bodybuilder to have strength in your muscles.

I know I'm not supposed to like muscle cars, but I like muscle cars.

Yes it is better to keep training even if your muscle is still sore.

I'll never harden my heart but I've toughened the muscles around it.

Writing calls on unused muscles and involves solitude and immobility.

I never push in front my muscles, only my religion, so I'm protected.

I don't have big muscles. I'm not tall. I have power inside. I fight.

And singing is a physical thing - your vocal cords are these muscles.

When I get real excited, my muscles go into spasm, so they just shake.

The muscle and the mind must become one. One without the other is zero

Directing is its own monster with its own set of muscles and exercises.

If you constantly pound your muscles, they'll never have time to repair.

The vocal chords are like most other muscles that need to be worked out.

Muscles are in a most intimate and peculiar sense the organs of the will.

I'm excited to flex my Broadway muscles - it keeps you alive as an actor.

Fight tautness whenever it occurs; strive for relaxed muscles throughout.

He has so many muscles he has to make an appointment to move his fingers.

That leading-man expectation is, sadly, to have all these rippling muscles.

There's other ways to make your head and muscles bigger than just steroids.

Steroids build your muscles, but they don't build your tendons or ligaments.

Your mind is the strongest and most valuable muscle you can grow in the gym.

Just because your muscles start to protest, doesn't mean you have to listen.

I love being the character actor. I get to stretch my muscles a little more.

We grow our courage muscles like we grow our physical muscles, by using them.

Whatever muscles I have are the product of my own hard work and nothing else.

Theatre demands different muscles and different aspects of one's personality.

If you only exercise your soloist muscles, the other muscles quickly atrophy.

I believe the only muscles you need in basketball are the ones in your brain.

You really have to have some muscle to be on the stage in front of the world.

I need to improve my muscles because they are still quite small at the moment.

The whole vanity aspect of building up different muscles - I have no interest.

Determination is like a muscle. If you do not use it regularly, it fades away.

My coaches have told me my muscles and body structure are perfect for skating.

True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed

Maybe the body learns from dreams. Maybe the muscles, the neutrons, revitalize.

I want to exercise all my muscles. I want to do plays. I want to do everything.

Your muscles cannot get "longer" without some rather radical orthopedic surgery.

Running is my solo time; working my muscles outside in fresh air is therapeutic.

When there is no oxygen the muscles become acidic and we can't perform any more.

I really love Pilates. It lengthens and strengthens without bulking the muscles.

It is necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal.

We're trying to stretch our muscles creatively. It gives us so much more freedom.

Cooks build muscles; we can stand all day long on our feet and not feel the pain.

The weight really started falling off, and I could see my muscles. It was awesome.

Muscle-work can only make one weary-it takes brain-work to create true exhaustion.

It takes 42 muscles to smile. Instead pick up your middle finger and say "bite me!

It's amazing what a bit of soot and shaving can do for muscle definition, honestly.

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