Sometimes I bite off a fingernail to use as a toothpick. Nasty.

Sorry I had to be so nasty to you Janina, at the end of a scene.

I like to be firm. But it is easier to be nice than to be nasty.

That’s right, you nasty little vixen, bite me harder." Ian urged.

It's very difficult to learn not to take nasty heckles personally.

My entire youth has been Nasty Gal. My entire future is Nasty Gal.

People don't yell nasty things at actors - they let them continue.

They have this social justification for every nasty thing they do!

The Stones were nasty and ugly and doing songs I was familiar with.

I'm less genial than people think, but I'm too timid to seem nasty.

Hillary Clinton's nasty, but I can be nastier than she ever can be.

The bicycle is a great good. But it can turn nasty, if ill employed.

Never talking to strangers. Saying nasty things about the neighbors.

An ugly baby is a very nasty object - and the prettiest is frightful.

What really is nasty is showing your back to the Puerto Rican people.

Sin recognized but that may keep us humble, But oh, it keeps us nasty.

I ate the Green Monster. It tasted pretty nasty. It was pretty painful.

Why be so nasty and so rude, when I can be so fierce and so successful.

At first I thought, beer's nasty. Then I found IPAs. They're delicious.

Evil is a miscellaneous collection of nasty things that nasty people do.

I mean, taking photographs is a very nasty thing to do. It's very cruel.

I've never been in a place where I've wanted to be that nasty to someone.

Met someone who works at the zoo. Apparently the panda is a nasty animal.

I like really bad puns - proper, red-top, nasty puns - I find them funny.

I treat everyone the same when I speak to them, I am never rude or nasty.

Life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

Angels have very nasty tempers. Especially when they’re feeling righteous.

The fans at Quicken Loans Arena are pretty hostile. They say nasty things.

Politics has got too personal, too nasty, in Britain, as it has in America.

Poetry is one of the few nasty childhood habits I've managed to grow out of

There was no end to the ways in which nice things are nicer than nasty ones.

The life of a journalist is poor, nasty, brutish, and short. So is his style

Poetry is one of the few nasty childhood habits I've managed to grow out of.

There's a particularly nasty element when lots of men get together sometimes.

Even when a Geordie is trying to be nasty, it doesn't sound that threatening.

The world of social media can be so nasty and negative, especially for women.

If I looked like a Victoria's Secret model, I would still get nasty comments.

I'm not, nor is anybody I know in government part of a nasty right wing clique.

When people are nasty, it gets everybody's attention, and it gives them a name.

I used to get so many nasty comments when I cut my hair short, and it upset me.

I hate olives. They're so nasty. I hate everything about olives. Mushrooms, too.

When you start attacking cronyism and peoples political interests, it gets nasty.

If I don't wear a wig, I'm called a nasty f*g, if I do wear a wig, I'm hilarious.

If you're nasty to me in my place of business, I'm going to be really nasty back.

When you get to know someone, you find there's something nasty in their woodshed.

Writing is not a genteel profession. It's quite nasty and tough and kind of dirty.

Writing is not a genteel profession; it's quite nasty and tough and kind of dirty.

Life is painful, nasty and short... in my case it has only been painful and nasty.

When you start attacking cronyism and people's political interests, it gets nasty.

I don't want to be nasty but let's just say Robbie Williams is no Freddie Mercury.

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