I can still put down some pretty nasty stuff on paper, which is what I enjoy doing.

I think any time anybody says something nasty about you, it's hard to deal with it.

In Europe, I was just a little guy... the winters in the mountains were very nasty.

No, Mom. I said fine." "It's just your tone." Ah, yes- the tone. The nasty traitor.

That would be delightful,' agreed Flora, thinking how nasty and boring it would be.

Extracting oil from the tar sands is a nasty, polluting, energy-intensive business.

People talk about escapism as though it's something nasty but escapism is wonderful!

If I could only write, I'd write a nasty letter to the mayor, if he could only read.

I'd rather be myself," he said. "Myself and nasty. Not somebody else, however jolly.

There is nothing to be gained by being unnecessarily nasty. Violence begets violence.

There's been thousands of very, very funny and also very, very nasty tweets about me.

I'm a nasty human being when I step into that cage, but before that I could care less.

As an actor, it's much, much easier to be really nasty to someone that you really like.

She might be nasty, she might be fat, but I never met a person who would tell her that.

I mean, it takes a large entourage to put on a tour. You can't have 'em sittin' around.

It's the nasty and the accident that form the foundation for elegance that comes later.

How often the rich like to play at being poor. A rather nasty game, I've always thought.

Sex can lead to nasty things like herpes, gonorrhea, and something called relationships.

My favorite song used to be 'The Nasty Song' by this dude named Lil Ru. That was my jam!

If I had my life to live over, I would do it all again, but this time I would be nastier.

I like nice people, I don't like nasty people, but I like somebody that's not a pushover.

There was a desire to see me being nasty and horrible, and of course that's not really me

For a pure sense of being tumultuously alive, you can't beat the nasty side of existence.

I still want to be sassy and critical, but I can do it without having to be mean or nasty.

Can a nasty, horrible person still produce good quality, uplifting and inspirational work?

1/r^2 has a nasty singularity at r=0, but it did not bother Newton-the Moon is far enough.

I've had much nastier things said about me in the British press than in the Bosnian press.

If the virgin Mary had an abortion, I'd still be carried in a chariot of stampeding horses.

I really wanted to be nasty and mean and bad. It's so much easier than being the good girl.

You can be nasty when you are young, but you really have to be older to achieve bitterness.

A gentleman is never rude except on purpose - I can honestly be nasty sober, believe you me.

I don't like green Christmases. They're not green—they're just nasty faded browns and grays.

I'm not a hopeless romantic. I'm quite the reverse. I'm a nasty piece of work, an ego maniac.

They have horses in 'Snow White?' I am lucky nothing nasty happens to horses in 'Snow White.'

The fact is that politics in Illinois is a blood sport. It's really rough. It's really nasty.

Girls who use jokes to be nasty are often hiding other feelings they are struggling to express.

The police are people as well. All those nasty people aren't really nasty if they'd realise it.

I kind of thought the writers were starting to take Taylor and make her kind of down and dirty.

The idea of being charming and really nasty at the same time is a really difficult thing to do.

When I started making music, I figured the name Rico Nasty would give a background of who I am.

With so much chaos, someone will do something stupid. And when they do, things will turn nasty.

Your wrinkles either show that you're nasty, cranky, and senile, or that you're always smiling.

The Obama administration has a nasty habit of equating basic conservative values with terrorism.

For most people, life is nasty, brutish, and short; for me, it has simply been nasty and brutish.

I'm a performer. I do comedy and music, and I blend them together. My band is 'Nasty Delicious!'.

I tell the truth and they call me a fascist, a racist, an ugly, dirty, nasty, xenophobic populist.

I became a connoisseur of that nasty thud a manuscript makes when it comes through the letter box.

Too many kids think condoms are nasty and vulgar, instead of as something that can save your life.

You can have 10 nice comments today, and it's that one nasty comment that you're gonna hang on to.

It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you.

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