You don't need credit.

One chance is all you need.

I need you to breathe for me.

I trust you because I need you.

I need you more than I need freedom.

Your neighbor is the man who needs you.

Please touch me. I need you to touch me.

I need you like the blues needs the pain.

Come back, paragraphs. America needs you.

Think. That's what we need you to do. Think.

The ones who disappoint you need you the most.

I don't wanna need you because I can't have you.

I need you to be happy. I need one of us to be happy.

Keep your eyes open to all the needs you see around you.

I need you. Right now. Let me love you right here, please.

I need you to love me, I don't like me, either, if that helps.

If you can turn your wants into your needs, you can do anything.

If you buy what you do not need, you will need what you cannot buy.

Go as far as you can, [young scientists]. The world needs you badly.

I need you for a lot of things, Hardy. A lifetime's worth of things.

I need you,ʺ said Lissa. ʺI hear that from women a lot,ʺ said Adrian.

Give the needs you lack and they will be returned to you one hundred fold.

I need you, the reader, to imagine us, for we don't really exist if you don't.

You succeeded at your attempts to make me Need you desperately to vindicate me

God is awesome; he doesn’t need you to be awesome. He wants you to be obedient.

You can't be gone. I need you here, with me. What am I going to do without you?

You're everything I hope for. You're everything I need. You are so beautiful to me.

The only one you need in your life is that person who shows you he needs you in his.

The only people you need in your life are the ones that prove they need you in theirs.

It is when there is nothing you can say or do to help that a friend needs you the most.

I won't need you to rescue meM. I can take care of myself, thank you. - Scarlett O'Hara.

I didn't know," he said. "I didn't know you needed me." Her voice shook. "I always need you

There's someone out there who needs you. You must live your life so that person can find you.

Nobody's as good as you when you do what you do. I need you to own the time that comes with that.

It is all right you're saying you do not need other people, but there are a lot of people who need you.

I will come to you, my friend, when I no longer need you. Then you will find a palace, not an almshouse.

Tell me what you need." "You," she said simply, that one word tearing to the very heart of him. "Just you.

You need me as much as I need you. That makes us equal partners in my book. Well, your book is just wrong.

Get your personal needs met, once and for all; if you have unmet needs, you'll attract others in the same position.

Anything you need, you tell him and he'll get it for you. If he offends you in any way, let me know and I'll kill him when I get up.

You make yourself strong because it's expected of you. You become confident because someone beside you is unsure. You turn into the person others need you to be.

If you have more money than you need, you have to give it away. It's a duty. I get to choose whom to sponsor, and I like to give to the areas that I know something about.

Cliare: "You know what? I need you right now." Shane:"Now?" Claire: "Right now." Shane: "Oh, that's so exactly what I was going to say." *dropping C. to the bed.* Claire: "Jinxies

Life responds to deserve and not to need. It doesn't say,"If you need,you will reap." It says,"If you plant you will reap."The guys says,"I really need to reap."Then you really need to plant.

If you're not ready to consider marriage or you're not truly interested in marrying a specific person, it's selfish and potentially harmful to encourage that person to need you or ask him or her to gratify you emotionally or physically.

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