I write because I can’t sleep.

I pray because I can't help myself.

I look at you because I can't look away.

I write because I can't imagine not writing.

Because I can't hit bottom, I can't be saved.

I am not free because I can be exploded anytime.

I don't wanna need you because I can't have you.

Because I can't handle the nightmares. Not without you.

I often close my eyes because I can't tolerate violence.

I won't stop loving you because I can't stop loving you.

I speak because I can to anyone I trust enough to listen.

I like to act because I can forget about everything else.

I like smartasses, because I can be smartass back and rashy.

I like to take advantage of the simple-minded because I can.

Stand-up is great because I can get everything off my chest.

I'm a great admirer of cartoons, because I can't do cartoons.

It doesn't bother me because I can tell everyone to kiss off.

I can't ever give up, because I can't ever leave my daughters.

...what I write is smarter than I am. Because I can rewrite it.

I call everyone 'Darling' because I can't remember their names.

You must pray to God for forgiveness because I can give you none

I always wear flat shoes, because I can't walk in anything else.

I listen to XM radio because I can get so many overseas news stations.

You know why I'm pulling your leg? Because I can't touch it from where I am.

I love comedy because I can laugh at myself. I dont take myself too seriously.

I will give you a show that you've never ever seen before, why?...Because I can

If I kept my mouth shut, because I can make millions, that isn't doing nothing.

I know I can never work in a comedy because I can't keep a goddamn straight face.

I don't have a great talent for explaining myself in acting because I can't explain it.

I prefer more of the modern stuff - just because I can associate with the imagery more.

I can do things at 45, not because I can do a bunch of pull-ups, it's because I do Yoga!

I'm free from holding personal anger because I can express what I want through my music.

I don't have to hate any person because I can always start anew, I can always reconcile.

I can barely listen to my tapes when I'm transcribing, because I can't stand how I sound.

I love the idea that I'm the oldest one in the room because I can get away with anything!

I like when somebody says something negative about me because I can put it back in their face

I'll cry anywhere because I can do it quite subtly. Walking, that's a good time to have a cry.

Just because I can't change everything, doesn't mean I shouldn't try to change anything at all.

Nothing is staged exactly as it was, because I can't remember - and I consider that an advantage.

I lose myself in music because I can't be bothered explaining what I feel to anyone else around me.

I'm a horrible girlfriend. I always was. I'm great at the beginning, because I can be very romantic.

I realize that I really have to make music work for me as a career because I can't do anything else.

I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. It doesn't change God - it changes me.

It's no good saying I wished I could go out more, because I can't. But I don't bother about it too much.

I guess I probably make violent films partly because I can't express my anger in my real life very well.

Do I doubt the painting I've just painted because it is not right or because I can never like what I do?

I only wear clothes because I can't walk around with nothing on, but they started calling me a fashionista.

I don’t like to talk to people, because I can’t express myself satisfactorily. I don’t say the things I mean.

From my point of view, being out is not about anything political. It's just because I can't be bothered to be in.

They yell at me because I can't see what they see. Nobody can explain to me why my eyes work different than theirs.

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