Neighborhood restaurants matter.

I like you just the way you are.

The whole world is one neighborhood.

I don't live in a fancy neighborhood.

I grew up in a horrible neighborhood.

Well, I grew up in a tough neighborhood.

You had to be tough in our neighborhood.

I grew up in a pretty tough neighborhood.

I grew up in a decently tough neighborhood.

I was raised in a desegregated neighborhood.

The American Dream starts with the neighborhoods.

You had to be tough to survive in my neighborhood.

I was born in a neighborhood called the Third Ward.

My neighborhood in South London was very Dickensian.

I was born in Detroit, in an all black neighborhood.

My mind is a neighborhood I try not to go into alone.

I was the freak who moved into the nice neighborhood.

I grew up in the hood in Miami in a poor neighborhood.

I grew up in the neighborhood where 'Rocky' came from.

I was, somewhere in the neighborhood of about 300 jumps.

Try to take for a mate a person of your own neighborhood.

If you don't visit a bad neighborhood, it might visit you.

Everybody is happier living in a mixed-income neighborhood.

Gentrification can be a plague, as it eats up neighborhoods.

This is how you answer a door in my neighborhood. WHO IS IT?

Every man is surrounded by a neighborhood of voluntary spies.

Prior to high school, I played a lot of neighborhood football.

your mind is like an unsafe neighborhood; don't go there alone.

I came from a tough neighborhood. I used to be a 'dirty Greek.'

We've got a lot of relations with countries in our neighborhood.

A neighborhood is where, when you go out of it, you get beat up.

Your job is to inspire people from your neighborhood to get out.

I was really lucky to grow up in an extremely diverse neighborhood.

I wanted it to live in all the diverse neighborhoods I've lived in.

Within the black community, I'm definitely a neighborhood celebrity.

A neighborhood is a residential area that is changing for the worse.

Today I live in the suburbs, in a neighborhood [that's not] too bad.

I made tons of stop motion films with my friends in my neighborhood.

To survive, the people in neighborhoods are going to have to secede.

Mistakes live in the neighbourhood of truth and therefore delude us.

In Hoboken, when I was a kid, I lived in a plenty tough neighborhood.

In Chicago, integrated neighborhoods do not stay integrated for long.

Pascal and Voltaire both probably had IQs in the neighborhood of 200.

Harlem is a very family-oriented neighborhood, and it always has been.

I didn't grow up in the worst neighborhood. It wasn't the best either.

Chicago’s neighborhoods have always been the city’s greatest strength.

If I can't run my neighborhood you won't want me in your neighborhood.

If you're a white person in the wrong neighborhood, you're an underdog.

I'm an Irish-American, and I grew up in an Irish-American neighborhood.

I'm very confident about my ability to earn votes in every neighborhood.

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