We're going to fisk the 'New York Times.'

If 'The New York Times' says it, it must be true.

I had a big 'New York Times' crossword puzzle phase.

Is the New York Times a Liberal Newspaper? Of course it is.

'The New York Times' is a great newspaper: it is also No Fun.

The 'New York Times' is not reviewing books by non-white people.

I think the 'New York Times' would rather be offended than dead.

You can always count on the New York Times to cut your legs off.

I intend to buy 'The New York Times.' Please don't take it as a joke.

The New York Times, they lie. They lie like I've never seen anything.

The student newspapers are as important to me as the 'New York Times.'

Razib Khan Hired And Fired By The New York Times, Both On The Same Day!

I think everything should be in verse. 'The New York Times' should be in verse.

I like doing the crossword puzzle in the New York Times, not watching E! on TV.

I'm barely reading the 'New York Times!' But I do try to keep abreast of things.

When good news about the market hits the front page of the New York Times, sell.

I'm not going to give it the big 'I am' now that I'm a New York Times bestseller.

I'm never surprised by the insensitivity of 'The New York Times' editorial board.

The New York Times' coverage of Trump's taxes is an emperor-has-no-clothes moment.

I actually buy the paper version of The New York Times maybe once or twice a week.

The 'New York Times' is my homepage because it forces me to go right into the news.

You can never have enough garlic. With enough garlic, you can eat The New York Times.

The 'New York Times' undertakes extreme vetting against Republicans every single day.

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the 'New York Times' Building.

I pay attention to the news. I take the 'New York Times.' I do the Saturday crossword.

I love doing the 'New York Times' crossword puzzle, even on the days I can't finish it.

You can't just buy the sports section of 'The New York Times.' You take the whole paper.

If I'm writing books, I'm a 'New York Times' bestseller - how do I do it all? I don't know.

David Carr was one of the most gifted journalists who has ever worked at The New York Times.

I must be honest. I can only read so many paragraphs of a New York Times story before I puke.

I do the 'New York Times' crossword puzzle every morning to keep the old grey matter ticking.

The 'New York Times' reviews of my work have been evenly divided - favourable and unfavourable.

'The New York Times' thing... I think any actor would be thrilled to be profiled in that paper.

The New York Times published the guest list on the front page. The masks were a brilliant concept.

I don't want my son to have to collect a bunch of 'New York Times' articles to see what I was like.

These newspaper reporters... ever since Sullivan versus New York Times... have got a license to lie.

Pac was special. He was articulate. I trained him. Punishment for him was reading The New York Times.

I know another New York Times bestselling author - Beth Kephart - she self-published one of her books.

I don't think the intelligence reports are all that hot. Some days I get more out of the New York Times.

We do have our mistakes sometimes, like 'The New York Times' does, like everything does. We correct them.

I really like to read when I'm eating - 'The New York Times' or the 'Wall Street Journal,' paper version.

You have to create public activist pressure on papers like the 'New York Times' to keep them accountable.

The New York Times had not become The New York Times overnight. It had to earn its reputation day-by-day.

I wrote a book with my mom and my sister for fun. I had no idea it would be a 'New York Times' bestseller.

Since I got a really bad review when I was, like, 28 in 'The New York Times,' I don't read reviews anymore.

I applied for a job at 'The New York Times' many years ago, and felt correctly that my life depended on it.

In the New York Times, you're going to get completely different information than you would in the USA Today.

You will never have enough space in a tabloid paper to compete with the 'New York Times' on foreign coverage.

I read the 'New York Times,' 'USA Today,' the 'Union-Tribune,' then go online to Drudge, CNN, Fox News, blogs.

I never set out to do this - getting to No. 1 in the 'New York Times' bestseller list wasn't even a pipedream.

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