Thing about New York is it is so exciting with so much to do.

The present in New York is so powerful that the past is lost.

Being recognised on the street in New York is pretty surreal.

After moving to New York, I started to love vintage shopping.

That sinister Stonehenge of economic man, Rockefeller Center.

I love being a gypsy. Home is between New York and California.

Having played in Boston will help me a ton moving to New York.

If you are a really good marathoner, you have to run New York.

I wanted to experience New York, to look up and see buildings.

I came to New York to be a fine artist - that was my ambition.

New York, thy name is irreverence and hyperbole. And grandeur.

When I was younger I decided I'd hop on the train to New York.

New York lost a classic. Carmine was an old school New Yorker.

I think there's a big difference between New York and Chicago.

It couldn't have happened anywhere but in little old New York.

I'm from Hollywood, I'm too dumb to be nervous about New York.

When it's three o'clock in New York, it's still 1938 in London.

I never thought I would end up being the Senator from New York.

My favorite teams are the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Jets.

I've never been in New York for the whole time of Fashion Week.

I would rather live one day in Maui than one month in New York.

If anybody starts using me as scenery, I'll return to New York.

I've definitely run from the cops in the New York City subways.

New York had all the iridescence of the beginning of the world.

If you live in New York, even if you're Catholic, you're Jewish

The other states look to New York for the progressive direction.

I live mostly in New York, but I teach in both New York and L.A.

I love traffic. It's fantastic. New York traffic is so relaxing.

I've lived in New York for 40 years. I came right after college.

I really want to live in New York. That's the city of my dreams.

I think the 'New York Times' would rather be offended than dead.

You can always count on the New York Times to cut your legs off.

New York is so full of the best unemployed actors on the planet.

As rich as Cincinnati was in live music, New York was even more.

The theater is my power center, and I love doing it in New York.

I changed the city of New York. I gave people back their morale.

I live in New Jersey, so I kind of just go to New York whenever.

I love theater. Like, every time I go to New York, I see a play.

New York is not even a city, it's a congerie of rotten villages.

There is something in the New York air that makes sleep useless.

The New York Times is the official leak of the State Department.

If its December 1941 in Casablanca, what time is it in New York?

New York has given me a lot, but I still don't consider it home.

New York is a city where people are ambitious. They want things.

The great thing about New Jersey is that it's close to New York.

There's something so wonderful about being an actor in New York.

This is Buffalo, New York. It's like. Scranton without the charm.

I mean I've never been thrown in jail in New York or Los Angeles.

Broadway is a main artery of New York life - the hardened artery.

If it's December 1941 in Casablanca, what time is it in New York?

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