The New York fashion scene is crazy, madness, but I love the energy.

People with brains went to New York, and people with faces came West.

I came to New York to be an actor and I became a film producer first.

A person who speaks good English in New York sounds like a foreigner.

I always had this energy level that made me want to come to New York.

I'm writing for those people in Kenya, but in Irvine and in New York.

I can't drive, so I can only live in New York, which is fine with me.

The New York Times, they lie. They lie like I've never seen anything.

What I love about New York is just the electricity I feel right away.

What impressed me most about New York were its huge apartment houses.

The faces in New York remind me of people who played a game and lost.

I'm from the streets of New York. I know what tough talk sounds like.

If movies are set in New York, they really should be shot in New York.

New York feels vibrant It feels electric to walk the streets at night.

I try to be a good shiksa wife. I go to Central Synagogue in New York.

I'm trying to change the culture in New York City; that's hard enough!

New York City is a big city but a small city when it comes to theater.

I feel like people just let each other live a little more in New York.

Perhaps there would be more anxiety in my work if I lived in New York.

The Dixiecrats meet again in New York. Now they're called Republicans.

I feel like not knowing Joe Torre is a hole in my New York experience.

I did not want to leave the Mets and I did not want to leave New York.

New York is beautiful, but [the South] makes it look like a wasteland.

The best way to get around in New York is to be both rich and patient.

Whereas I think in New York every step is a detour in every direction.

I have never walked down Fifth Avenue alone without thinking of money.

That's the great thing about New York, there's always something to do.

I couldn't be more excited to return to the ING New York City Marathon.

I never really considered acting as a career until I moved to New York.

New York has always been going to hell but somehow it never gets there.

In New York City, the meek don't inherit the earth. The big mouth does.

My films always play better outside of New York, especially to critics.

Razib Khan Hired And Fired By The New York Times, Both On The Same Day!

It's easy to struggle in New York. I think New York is a bit expensive.

New York's the lonesomest place in the world if you don't know anybody.

New York City is a notoriously hard market to perform country music in.

London is satisfied, Paris is resigned, but New York is always hopeful.

I live in New York, where people don't tend to go up to actors as much.

The much heaves and palpitates. It is multidirectional and has a mayor.

New York was no mere city. It was instead an infinitely romantic notion.

Mayor Koch, of New York, was the first public figure to give me support.

First, we did rank everybody by risk, and New York comes out number one.

I've always said that racing in New York is performing on the big stage.

I've always liked the fact that galleries are free to visit in New York.

You can't be an actor in a small town-you have to go to New York or L.A.

NEW YORK! I [love] U! You're OFFICIALLY the coolest place on the planet!

I bike around New York City as a way of getting everywhere I need to go.

In New York City, everyone is an exile, none more so than the Americans.

New York is the coolest city. The place just never sleeps. It's amazing.

All field agents have some cowboy in them – even the ones from New York.

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