I'd rather be tipping cows in Tulsa, than hailing cabs here in New York.

And I always heard people in New York never get to know their neighbors.

I started a feta cheese company, Euphrates, in upstate New York in 2002.

New York is nearly a grave. The Empire State Building is its gravestone.

To call New York's traffic at holiday time a nightmare is to understate.

I've still got family members living below the poverty line in New York.

" [Donald] Trump may indeed be a little fascistic."New York Times wrote.

The constitutions of Maryland and New York are founded in higher wisdom.

My father was a Norwegian tenor and my mother a New York Irish librarian.

I'm from the US of A. Born in Des Moines, raised in the New York suburbs.

New York is the perfect model of a city, not the model of a perfect city.

Yesterday was the New York City Marathon. Republicans won in a landslide.

New York will be my home for the rest of my life as far as I'm concerned.

New York, forever the port of em- and de-barkation en route to Adventure.

I just like to walk around New York, just put my iPod on and walk around.

Critics in New York are made by their dislikes, not by their enthusiasms.

If you want to be a stand-up comedian or an artist, you move to New York.

I don't think it's a secret that New York tastemakers don't love my work.

You grow up in a small community, there's no outlet like New York or L.A.

I lived in London for small amounts of time, and in Florida and New York.

Crime is going down everywhere but in the New York City Police Department.

Early on, New York already had a national and even international identity.

I loved New York, but I never quite felt like New York was my home either.

I started rockin' the BowTie when I was a rookie with the New York Giants.

If, in New York, you arrive late for an appointment, say, "I took a taxi".

What happens in New York affects national policy in very significant ways.

My great-great-grandfather Julius founded the Communist Party in New York.

There's a long tradition of people from the South living in New York City.

People in New York just seem a lot more open than I thought they would be.

My life there[in New York] was almost entirely about gay men for 30 years.

My mother couldn't have been happier when I said I was moving to New York.

I'd like to live in Paris, New York, and Los Angeles all at the same time.

We were taking collections for people with AIDS in New York around Easter.

Would you believe it's harder to find a virgin than a unicorn in New York?

We have been actively trying to have New York City host the 2012 Olympics.

I wouldn't say the nightlife for anybody in New York is all that wholesome.

There aren't any liberals left in New York. They've all been mugged by now.

That's our mission: to clean and green New York City - one block at a time.

Just one living cell in the human body is, more complex than New York City.

I'm very proud to be Canadian, but I would move to New York in a heartbeat.

Even today, the bigger the city, the better. That's why I live in New York.

I was in New York and I walked into this pet store and came out with a dog.

There are many exceptions, but New York is a great place to start a career.

I wanted to see New York . . . so I tried to see how fast I could do it in.

I stayed in New York City for the first time, I'd always wanted to do that.

I love New York. I love how integrated it is, how everybody lives together.

My first few weeks in New York were an initiation into the kingdom of guts.

New York is a wonderful city... It is going to be the capital of the world.

A Maybelline New York woman is strong and confident - I love that attitude.

It is a miracle that New York works at all. The whole thing is implausible.

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