No money changed hands, of course.

Money or no money, acting is my calling.

When you have no money, you need invention.

And there was no money in Chicago for a band.

No money, no family, 16 in the middle of Miami.

In those days, there was no money to buy books.

We're just a bunch of angry kinds with no money.

I ain't got no money - But I'm rich on personality

In societies of low civilization, there is no money.

When you ain't got no money, you gotta get an attitude.

It isn't worth it. No money is worth this... [walks out]

The government has no money of its own. It's all your money.

When you have no money for marketing, everything you do is marketing.

Money can't replace friendship, I'd rather have no money than losing you.

I used to be a virgin, but I gave it up because there was no money in it.

Governments have budgets but no money, companies have money but no budgets.

If we had time and no money, living by our wits, what story would you tell?

I have no money to give to you but I have ideas and organizational capacity.

In Latin America, you don't do things for the money because there is no money.

I would prefer to have no money but to have a nice family and good friends around.

One day a guy tried to rob me on the street, and I had no money. So I charged him.

Unfortunately, I think music videos are a dying breed because there is no money in them.

Many people who get a lot of money are willing to work with me for no money. This is true.

I never really drove a cab, but I do have a hack license in case of emergencies - like no money.

Which of these statements creates more anxiety in you: 'There is no God' or 'There is no money'?

A banjo will get you through times of no money, but money won't get you through times of no banjo

You lose your individuality a huge amount when you have no money, and I certainly had that experience.

Lots of ingenuity gets you through times with no money better than money gets you through times of no ingenuity.

We have no money. We have no possessions. Maybe that is why we value the things we do have ... loyalty and friendship.

When I started DJ'ing, it was no big thing. There was no money in DJ'ing, and you did it purely for the love of playing music.

I don't play anything but the blues, but now I could never make no money on nothin' but the blues. That's why I wasn't interested in nothin' else.

I was actually perfectly happy when I had no money, which lasted right up until we had a hit with Killer Queen, in 1974. I never wanted for anything.

When I had the youth I had no money, now I have the money I have no time, and when I get the time, if I ever do, I shall have no health to enjoy life.

To say that a state cannot pursue its aims because there is no money, is like saying that an engineer cannot build roads, because there are no kilometers.

New York was always more expensive than the other places, even when it was going bankrupt. In other words, in 1971, New York was expensive for someone with no money. For anyone.

Any asshole can make a good movie for $100 million. I think it's way harder to make a movie with no money, and to start with no contacts and work your way up to international productions.

It never seemed fair that just when you're old enough to do anything you want, you can't. You have to start working, so there's no time. And if there is time, you're not working, so there's no money.

I remember having no money and debating whether I should go get fast food or eat at Mom's for free. Now I'm going to these fancy places on vacation and ordering room service. I treat myself because I remember not having it.

As an actor, I look for the part itself. I look for the story and the role. If there's no money, but it's a good part in a good role, I'll still consider it. Basically, the worse the role is, the worse the story is, and the more they'll have to pay me. It's a simple correlation.

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