Out of the water, I am nothing.

Nothing's better than a picnic.

Nothing risque, nothing gained.

Without labor nothing prospers.

I invent nothing, I rediscover.

There's nothing I won't attempt.

Nothing is sacred to a gamester.

Good manners don't cost nothing.

If you do nothing you get nothing.

Science is nothing but perception.

I don't know nothing about nothing.

Without obsession, life is nothing.

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

Jogging is my idea of nothing to do.

Nothing is worth more than this day.

When deeds speak, words are nothing.

There is nothing so stable as change.

Nothing adventured, nothing attained.

There's nothing I can't do musically.

A friend is nothing but a known enemy.

Nothing happens unless first we dream.

There's nothing colder than chemistry.

Nothing really scares me, to be honest.

Talent without working hard is nothing.

Nothing exists except through language.

Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.

Evil prospers when good men do nothing.

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

I'm nothing if not a literary hedonist.

Nothing is inevitable until it happens.

Ability is nothing without opportunity.

I ain't got nothing to prove to nobody.

If you work hard, nothing is impossible.

There's never enough time to do nothing!

Nothing ends nicely, that's why it ends.

Nothing compares to the Indianapolis 500.

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Nothing says holidays, like a cheese log.

There is nothing permanent except change.

Nothing in life is promised except death.

I am tired of talk that comes to nothing.

There are nothing but hardliners in Iran.

Nothing is so healing as the human touch.

When you have nothing to say, say nothing.

Plans are nothing; planning is everything.

Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.

You have to create something from nothing.

Nothing ain't worth nothing but it's free.

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