Don't hustle old people.

Voting is designed for old people.

God has use for all the old people.

Medicines are only fit for old people.

I have a wonderful respect for old people.

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.

I like old people when they have aged well.

Slot machines are like crack for old people.

Old people are often impatient, but for what?

Why do old people drive with their mouths open?

Age isn't how old you are but how old you feel.

Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new.

The best contraceptive for old people is nudity.

People don't want to be sold! People want to buy!

I think old people should just be old and go away.

Old people, with other old people, are not so old.

I don t wanna see old people on a rock & roll stage.

I'm not making music for old people or young people.

I've been doing old-people things since I was a child.

I'm passionate about old people because I am one myself.

Life is sweet, but sometimes old people just don't get it.

I like old people falling over, that's what makes me laugh.

We treat old people so badly. There is nothing easy about 80.

Numbers of the old people cannot read. Those who can seldom do

Crazy old people are our entire source of polling information.

Numbers of the old people cannot read. Those who can seldom do.

Luckily, West End audiences seem to rather like very old people.

You know you must be doing something right if old people like you.

Racism been over. It's the old people that keep on holding on to it.

Old people are scary. And I have to face it. I am old and I am scary.

I like cups of tea and reading books and poetry and old people things.

Old people have a much better time in India because they're respected.

There are fads in life and old people indulge things to excess sometimes.

Never post food on your Instagram. Nobody cares, and only old people do it.

Sometimes when you're with the same old people, you get the same old thing.

There's one more terrifying fact about old people: I'm going to be one soon.

The older I get, the more I prefer to talk to old people. Old people or kids.

I don't want to see old people doing rap or rock and roll. It makes me cringe.

Old people should be heard but not seen. Young people should be seen, not heard.

I hope that when I'm 80 years old, people will still be talking about my wedding.

Health care does not worry me a great deal. I've been impressed by some wonderful old people.

I've always despised old people. I got angry at my father when he began to show signs of age.

When I was a child, I loved old people. My New Hampshire grandfather was my model human being.

I try not to be too profane around children or old people. Other than that, that's how I speak.

These trees and these old people have one thing in common, they're both going in the ground soon!

I know why politicians want to go on TV: that's where really old people are. And old people vote.

I don't colour my hair, and I look like the back end of a bus, so I get asked to play old people.

Frankly, I wish they would do 'The Bachelorette' for old people. And I could be the bachelorette.

Societies who do not care for their young people and old people are decadent, decaying societies.

Old people love to give good advice; it compensates them for their inability to set a bad example.

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