In my hood, I was always with the older guys.

I definitely watch the older guys. I'm always watching; that's how I learn.

In my hood, I was always with the older guys, but I like everybody's music.

When I was growing up, I would go hang out with older guys at night in blues clubs.

You need young guys to come in and play like older guys, really help the team and produce.

I feel like I look 16 sometimes, which is a bummer, because I would love to date older guys.

There's no WAR for being a good teammate, so apparently that means older guys can't get paid.

I've been around older guys most of my life; I feel like that's definitely an advantage for me.

When I had older guys around me, I kind of leaned on them for advice and went through tough times.

As an NFL rookie, I had to buy meals for older guys. I appreciate hierarchy. I understand teamwork.

I used to play with all the older guys. I never played with, really, my age group when I was younger.

I'm not into older guys. To tell you the truth, Richard Gere is not the sexiest man alive, in my book.

A good amount of the guys wanted to date me. Even older guys looking at me. It took some getting used to.

I feel like we can learn from each other by us, being the young generation, giving knowledge to the older guys.

I've always been around people who are older than myself, I've always played on basketball teams with older guys.

If you want to be successful and you want your teammates to respect you, you got to be open to advice from the older guys.

Since I was growing up, I was always the younger one playing with older guys. They called me Young Bull and that just stuck.

With gangs, there could be a positive outlook because it takes the older guys to come school these younger guys on the right roles.

Bill Burr, Freddy Soto, Joe Rogan, Tom Segura… those people influenced me a lot more than any of the older guys like Richard Pryor.

Age doesn't bother me. So many of my heroes were older guys. It's the lack of years left that weighs far heavier on me than the age that I am.

La Cave was a great platform for me to learn and be able to listen in on conversations and just get a lot of notes and teachings from those older guys.

I've always found, when I was younger, that the older guys - the guys who weren't of my generation but were 20, 30 years older than me - were the cool guys.

I think there's a lot to be learned from your teammates and older guys around you. And there are many ways to lead. You don't have to change your personality to be a leader.

Oh, I think, watching Magic, him being one of my... I'm one of his biggest fans, and just trying to emulate what he did, going out on the playground, and also playing with older guys.

On my estate, there are older guys and there are dangerous things happening. But I had my ball with me and that made me feel safe. That's where I developed my strength, mentality and ruthlessness.

I think, from just playing street ball and stuff like that, I was always able to play up with the older guys, and I think that got me physically and mentally prepared to play on a high level of basketball.

I would like to see more airplay for all artists, no matter what age. I think there's a lot of money being spent toward the young guys, but a lot of the older guys are the ones who blazed the trail for those young guys.

I started rooting - you know, sticking up joints - with some older guys. By now I had gotten a taste of what the racket world really was - the glamour, the way they dressed, the way they always had a pocketful of money.

A basketball was in my hands 24/7, playing one-on-one against everybody and anybody, trying to prove against the older guys, just playing. The wind blowing outside, double rims, stuff like that, just always playing ball.

A strong sense of humor, a really awesome personality, and maturity is also really important in a boyfriend. I tend to only be attracted to older guys for that reason. I just love guys who have a really strong sense of who they are.

I've always been one of the youngest guys on the team. But now I'm one of the older guys, one of the more experienced guys, and I have to be more of a leader. The guys are looking up to me, asking me questions and looking at me to step up.

My role models in the business were the older guys on my team when I first got there: Gray Scott, Adrian Smith, Roland Taylor. These were the guys who took me under their wing, and really schooled me in terms of what the business was about.

I've always hated the term 'alternative'; I only use it because when I say it, people know what I'm talking about. I always thought it was weird when guys like myself or Patton Oswalt or Dana Gould, these older guys, were called 'alternative' comedy.

The 'Tough Man' contests were for 21-year-olds, but I weighed 150 pounds at 13, so I got a fake ID card and entered. My dad and uncles had given me an edge, so having a boxing background made it easier because a lot of the older guys didn't know how to fight.

I remember when I was 6 years old and my brother used to go seek out guys that were 13 to come over and play football against me while he was the 'permanent quarterback.' I didn't know exactly what the age difference was, but I was already playing against older guys.

I remember hanging out at Starbucks. There were these older guys who would sit around and play Crosby, Stills & Nash songs. I was just so in love with music. I would just go hang out with them, and I would try to sing and harmonize with them. I didn't even know the songs.

One day guns were pulled on us by older guys. My friend had gone to sell his moped and they took the moped, my friend's phone and some money. But all he got from my pocket was a tub of Vaseline. I remember him saying, 'Oh, he's a sweet boy' and throwing my Vaseline on the floor.

The group of guys I came up with in the 1990s were very innovative. I remember some of the older guys were complaining about how the music had changed, and they were being left behind. I didn't want to be one of those guys who sat around and complained because they weren't growing and evolving.

Since I was younger, I've always had the same body. Older guys would always be like, 'Oh you a stallion.' I finally had to ask, like, is that a good thing? Everybody pretty much took it and ran with it, and then I put it as my main name on Twitter. Ever since then everybody's just been calling me Stallion.

I am more into the old school guy than I am with the new school guys. I came in young and I had to pay my dues to be considered a vet. To be able to play for over 10 years at wide receiver, that's why I like looking at the older guys like Larry Fitzgerald, Teddy Ginn Jr., Brian Hartline. That's what I'm about.

I think any of the older guys you can poll throughout the NBA, they're super-regimented. Because as long as that body lasts, your mind should be better; your shot should be better. But the reality is, at some point, your body does break down - you do get older - so it's just, how do you prolong that as long as possible?

When I was going to gay bars in my 20s and 30s, the older guys there explained to me that the police would occasionally raid these places and march the clients out, load them onto paddy wagons, drive them down to the station, photograph them, fingerprint them and put their names on a list. They were doing nothing wrong, and it was criminalized.

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