I did 'Batman v Superman' for one or two days.

I haven't got one or two people that I aspired to be like.

I think it's better to be involved in one or two movies a year.

I think one or two of the later Holmes stories are among the best.

You cannot win by yourself. There's only one or two Kobes or LeBrons.

It's impossible to translate Wall Street greed into one or two demands.

You know, looking at it objectively, I've written one or two good books.

I'd much rather do one or two takes of one thing and then see how it goes.

The problem with existing biology is you change only one or two genes at a time.

We need critical mass. We need people, not just one or two. We need a lot of them.

I can speak English. I can speak Hindi. I can understand one or two other languages.

I basically go to the gym three times a week to do weight training for one or two hours.

No cricket team in the world depends on one or two players. The team always plays to win.

I read one or two other books which gave me a background in mathematics other than logic.

There are a lot of actors out there who've made one or two films and who never work again.

In order to win you must be prepared to lose sometime. And leave one or two cards showing.

You can't go into business thinking that success will come to you in just one or two years.

When I was growing up, one or two girls were beautiful, but it was not an aspiration, right?

Early in 1888 one or two of us got together to establish our own Sheffield Socialist Society.

One or two people have named their children after characters in my songs. That's pretty intense.

When only one or two percent of filmmakers are female, you can't help but have some kind of bias.

Where do you go from Real Madrid that's better? There's one or two clubs up there but none better.

The only thing I don't write is the guitar solos, but even then I might suggest one or two things.

I did one or two plays at school. Once I played a tree, so I never thought I would be a good actor.

There are in most states one or two ministers of war, one of whom is the minister of naval affairs.

If I physically made every work myself, I would get only one or two paintings done a year, if that.

With any project there's one or two things that you really want to do and that's going to crack it.

If I was starting off now, I would probably have taken one or two different turnings along the way.

I don't go by the screen time. Even if I have one or two scenes, it is essential that people remember me.

I don't think I know a Scientologist except when I see one or two of their actors on the Hollywood screen.

I love being a dad. I'd have more kids if I could. I'd take a couple more, one or two more before I croak.

I think there's a misconception that I eat everything. The one or two bites that you see me take, that's it.

It is that range of biodiversity that we must care for - the whole thing - rather than just one or two stars.

Every game is decided by one or two plays that teams do or don't make; you've got to make them or else you lose.

In 2001, we were like most high-tech companies, with one or two primary products that were really important to us.

How can you go from a free-flowing football game for 90 minutes to stopping for one or two minutes for a decision?

The show girls do, like, 12 shows a day. I only did one or two shows a day, and I was like, 'I need to go to sleep.'

Pizza's actually healthy for you if you don't eat too much of it. If you eat one or two slices, it's very nutritious.

For years and years, I would sit in my studio, and I wouldn't have any inspiration. I'd write one or two songs a year.

I have decided that I want one or two seasons in England before the end of my career, and I want it to be at Liverpool.

When the women in any other film industry are almost equal to men, in Malayalam only one or two women are among the crew.

It's easier for fans to consume one or two songs at a time. Not everybody buys records, so some songs can get overlooked.

The process of overbooking is a complicated one. It's actually minimal. We, on certain flights, overbook by one or two people.

Shows like 'Seinfeld' and 'Friends,' they have, like, one or two damn characters throughout the whole series that are minorities.

As a matter of fact, you know, Jesus probably would be, except for one or two issues, a liberal Democrat if he were around today.

When a market isn't in transition, gaining market share is hard - you're fighting to take one or two points of share from competitors.

I am constantly being asked about individuals. The only way to win is as a team. Football is not about one or two or three star players.

It is a great boost for confidence in a squad when there is not just one or two players scoring goals, but the whole team is contributing.

One or two great lay downs per tournament will give you a few extra lives while a few well-timed bluffs will give you a ton of extra chips.

Bob Dylan's first couple of records in the 60's weren't considered cover records, but he only wrote one or two original songs on each album.

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