I would get very bored if I just did one thing.

Do not try to do everything. Do one thing well.

The one thing that hinders God is our unbelief.

One must look for one thing only, to find many.

I don't remember one thing I learned in school.

Solitude is one thing and loneliness is another.

All things are manifestations of one thing only.

Ideas are one thing and what happens is another.

To see far is one thing, going there is another.

Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear.

One thing I'd do is get rid of carried interest.

Curiosity is the one thing invincible in Nature.

One thing America hasn't had is good partnership.

I only know one thing, and that is I know nothing

Man intends one thing, but Allah intends another.

One thing you have to have when you act is energy.

After you do one thing, you've got one thing done.

Life is the one thing you cannot get out of alive.

Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.

One thing about dead people, they're all the same.

The one thing you share with every mortal is death.

Wishful thinking is one thing, and reality another.

One thing that success has taught me is censorship.

In everything one thing is impossible: rationality.

Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.

I learned one thing - never hate a positive option.

I'll tell you one thing, it's a cruel, cruel world.

Saying it is one thing. Doing it is very different.

The way we do one thing is the way we do everything.

I can't really work on more than one thing at a time

Attending church is one thing, belonging is another.

My career is one thing in my life that I don't plan.

The truth is the one thing that nobody will believe.

For one thing, I don't pun excessively in real life.

It is one thing to see your road, another to cut it.

I dont like sticking to just one thing; it bores me.

To be called one thing, is oftentimes to be another.

One thing I love is to do childrens hospital visits.

There's no one thing that is true. They're all true.

'Tis one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall.

One thing is forever good; That one thing is Success.

If there's one thing I really love... it's sad music.

One thing in this game is you've gotta stay positive.

There's one thing I never did do, and that was stink.

I believe in one thing only, the power of human will.

All is connected... no one thing can change by itself.

Believing in grace is one thing. Living it is another.

The one thing I need to leave behind is good memories.

The end of one thing is just the beginning of another.

Only one thing has to matter for everything to matter.

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