I seem to have the best onscreen mums.

'Jai Lava Kusa' is my best look onscreen.

I look like a kid onscreen in most movies.

I have fun on the set and that translates onscreen.

I am like many of the women I have played onscreen.

For me, like, obviously, I want to see myself onscreen.

I spend enough time onscreen looking hangdog and depressed.

I'm trying to be what I want to see more of: Black women onscreen.

I have been in my fair share of both onscreen and off screen fights.

Just like my onscreen character Twinkle, I'm extremely scared of rats.

Why shouldn't there be more epic, brilliant female characters onscreen?

I've tried to go out of my comfort zone to experiment with comedy onscreen.

I just want my music to involve an audience in what's taking place onscreen.

A love story definitely demands a great onscreen chemistry between its actors.

Young girls need to see women who are strong and vulnerable and complex onscreen.

Once you become the story off-screen, you are less likely to be the onscreen one.

I think Kriti and I have great onscreen chemistry, which translates in real life.

If the script is boring when I read it, I am sure it would be boring onscreen, too.

My whole life I try to make into a comedy, so it would be nice to see that onscreen.

It's one of the things I always do. I move faster onscreen. Creates a sense of danger.

It's easier to play aggression and malevolence onscreen, often, than to hit softer notes.

My acting's very understated. I think my sad and happy don't play that differently onscreen.

I think I've got something when I'm onscreen, but that's nothing to do with acting or talent.

It's incredibly unfair. You don't see a lot of 60-year-old women with 20-year-old men onscreen.

Kissing onscreen is the worst thing in the world. I'm OK with lovemaking scenes, but I hate kissing.

Nobody wants to see a woman onscreen who is a wreck. That is pure, unadulterated, systemic misogyny.

Vatsal and I are comfortable with each other which I think is helping us look good together onscreen.

Onstage, there's a separation between character and audience; onscreen, you can go to a deeper place.

I've never liked watching real-life couples play couples onscreen or onstage. It takes me out of the story.

I actually have a decent singing voice, and I've never been able to sing onscreen. I'd love to do a musical.

One of the boring tricks about capturing Broadway onscreen, actually, is just about all the different unions.

When we have trans actors play trans characters, people can look onscreen and say, 'OK, this is what trans is.'

Hrithik Roshan is my idol both onscreen as well as off screen. I wish that I could become just 50 percent like him.

Although jealousy is a strong word, who would like to see the person they love romance someone else, even onscreen?

For me, 'Mommy' was about developing very humane characters that would be very credible and endearing and work onscreen.

I believe comedy is the toughest genre to bring alive onscreen, but it's something that I really enjoy doing as an actor.

It is often difficult to watch yourself onscreen, especially 60-feet high. As an actor, it is an uncomfortable experience.

Luv Ranjan does not believe in bikini bodies. Therefore, he always insists that we look like relatable characters onscreen.

I don't like watching things where I think the people onscreen are ahead of me or assuming I know something that I don't know.

A script like 'The Sixth Sense' is fun to read: It's so well-written, and you get a vivid sense of what's going to be onscreen.

Well, it definitely comes as a challenge to act as enemies onscreen when you bond with the opposite person very well off-screen.

In terms of number of movies, I've been in an extraordinary amount. If you count only the minutes I'm onscreen, it's not so long.

I'm really grateful for the opportunity I had on 'Boardwalk Empire,' just because it was very different than anything I'd done onscreen.

You study all your life, you work really hard to do your best work onstage and onscreen, and then you make your best money playing an ant.

For a man it's not easy to play a woman onscreen. You have to wax your body. You dress up a lot to be able to do justice to the portrayal.

I oftentimes find with movies that the heavier the onscreen situation is, the more levity there is off screen. It's almost out of necessity.

I will reunite with Ananth Nag onscreen after a while for a cameo in Vijayalakshmi Singh's 'Yaanaa,' which sees her launching her daughters.

To recognize yourself in a character onscreen, and to connect with them, you gotta recognize their flaws; they gotta feel like a real person.

If you've had intimacy in your life, you can be intimate onscreen. I mean, come on - I didn't know how to hold a gun, but I could play a cop.

My first time on camera was 'One Life to Live.' I mourn for actors coming up that the daytime soap opera is becoming extinct. It's theater onscreen.

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