I like to create openings.

To me, such functions are like supermarket openings.

I like to go to openings when I'm in it, or friends are in it.

I don't go to the openings of shops or parties given by people I don't know.

I'm not really a girl who likes to go out to lunch or cocktails or store openings.

I don't like to go to premieres or openings. I don't like to have to put on makeup.

I have never in my life played the French Defence, which is the dullest of all openings.

I have friends in France who are artists. I go to gallery openings and things like that.

There have been openings, but I have not interviewed for any jobs, nor do I want to right now.

I love the idea of bringing my work to the general public, not just people who go to gallery openings.

There are always door openings. And gradually, it accumulates. The opportunities open up in front of you.

It's interesting to find new things with the game. It's fun finding new positions, new openings and new strategies.

I haven't been that great at attending my own openings. Still, I'm learning to enjoy this a lot more than I used to.

When I grew up in the '80s, all of my favorite TV shows always had these great openings, and it always got me excited.

One of the big issues in Ohio and elsewhere is people do not have the skills to take advantage of the openings that are out there.

I love writing openings, and I think that can give me the key to the movie. So somehow, that can be the easiest part, to be honest.

When we are operating in tight spaces and when the opposition are closing us down, players like Messi can help us to create openings.

Being in a room full of my art makes me incredibly nervous because the work always gets damaged when it's shown, and I hate my openings.

Robert Rauschenberg was not a giant of American art; he was the giant. No American created so many aesthetic openings for so many artists.

When I visit businesses across New Hampshire, they tell me that their No. 1 need is even more highly skilled workers to fill job openings.

I get nervous before openings or premieres or when someone's reading a new script, and I get nervous when my daughter isn't in my immediate field of vision.

I traditionally like to be patient, calm and look for openings - try to box for a few rounds until I figure out what the best thing in the ring will be for me.

My dad was more tensed than I was a day before the release. Having learned that 'Bruce Lee' has released to the highest openings in my career, he has settled down.

The most important thing is to allow gaps and openings for people to make up their own minds - I don't want my film to be pretending to have one important truth to tell anyone.

The wisest hustler can suddenly fall for the worst tramp and lose all of his money on her. The hustler is aware of his own weaknesses and openings to con. This awareness is his edge.

I was trained in classical piano, but it kind of dawned on me that classical pianists compete for six job openings a year, and the rest of us get to play 'Blue Moon' in a hotel lobby.

If art is any good, it has so much of a longer trajectory than one night. Contemporary art is separate from art openings. In the end, it depends on the strength of ideas in each piece.

When you're fighting the best, best guys in the world, there's no glaring weaknesses. There's X-factors and there's small openings that you have to prepare for better and that's really it.

It's not all that different with the orchestra. There are orchestras that seem to be encased in dough, so that first you have to break through the normal routine, and clear out the openings.

Teaching is just something that has come naturally to me. I didn't set out to be a teacher. I wanted to be a Beatle! But there were only four of them, so the job openings were really limited.

I didn't know so well chess theory, the theory of chess openings. And so, of course I knew the theory, but not on the level of the best players, so this was my... this was always my weakness.

Physically, it's getting impossible for me to travel that much. I want to support my artists by showing up at their openings, but I can't always be in Hong Kong one minute and Geneva the next.

Sales departments use social to nurture leads and close sales. HR posts job openings and vets applicants. Community and support squads mine networks, blogs and forums with deep listening tools.

For more than a century, New York City has been home to a constellation of department stores whose openings, closings, and transformations have charted the fortunes and foibles of the city itself.

You're starting to see a lot of fighters, like, 'We want more money so we can be able to retire eventually,' instead of, we get to 30 years old, and we're like, 'Alright, I think Costco has openings.'

From 1971 onwards, the Memorial Day holiday was officially observed on the last Monday in May and became the unofficial start of the summer, with barbecues, blockbuster movie openings and mattress sales.

Sometimes, I might not be able to show all of the work that I've put in because I've got a certain role. I've had openings and my teammates have done a great job of finding me and it's on me to convert them.

I do look for openings where I can overturn popular misconceptions, but unlike Christopher Hitchens, I am neither a contrarian nor a lone heretic. I like to have a significant number of academics watching my back.

After my ski jumping career finished, I went back to school to study law, and now I travel between five to 20 times a year doing after-dinner speaking, motivational talks, appearances, openings, TV and radio shows.

I feel the art world in New York has a stronger following than Britain. If you go to a New York art district on a Saturday morning, it will be so busy with families and openings - art is much more ingrained in the culture.

You won't find me at parties or the openings of movies and I don't hang around with David Beckham and Kanye West. So the paparazzi leave me alone, which means that I can do my shows, write music and then live a normal life.

Everyone needs to be in position to create the openings we have. We like to play a lot where you pass the ball forward and it comes back, because it makes it easier for us to attack, because the midfielders have to turn round.

About the twenty-third year of my age, I had many fresh and heavenly openings, in respect to the care and providence of the Almighty over his creatures in general, and over man as the most noble amongst those which are visible.

I define genuine full employment as a situation where there are at least as many job openings as there are persons seeking employment, probably calling for a rate of unemployment, as currently measured, of between 1 and 2 percent.

Many persons have been confused and discouraged at the very outset of the study by the great variety and the delicate distinctions of the openings: and this has constituted a fault in many otherwise excellent manuals for the learner.

I used to live in New York, and I know a number of people who have friends who work at galleries. I spent time hanging out with them, going to openings. It was a good way to do research, to hang out and to look at the art that was present.

Being a star son, everywhere I would go the first question that I would face was When is your debut?' I guess that's why it had to be planned well, for the curiosity that exists about your debut film is the highest and it makes for grand openings.

I lived in Boston for three years, and during that time, I wrote my first collection of stories, 'What the World Will Look Like When All the Water Leaves Us;' other stories that didn't make it into the collection; and several failed novel openings.

And our big theme has been, you have made so much progress, we urge you on with the openings and market openings that have occurred. They clearly work and continuing on that path will produce further growth and further opportunities for the Indian people.

For a free country to continue thriving, there have to be regular reforms, because any society, any economy that stays in place, you're going to see repeated attempts to exploit the openings for twisting policy to the advantage of those who already have wealth and power.

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